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[LE] Disabling Death animation of a Conjured/Summoned creature

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No bro. Its alright, I think it doesnt matter anymore. I just tested my mod, it seems that my horse doesnt play the death animation at all, just fades away, so I dont think I need to worry about it atleast for now hahaha


But to clarify, I do not want to summon infinite amount of mounts, I want my mount to be unique, at any point in time there should only be one instance of this actor in the game, therefore I choose not to apply the perks of conjuration on the spell, since it would then allow for 2 instances of this said horse at one time given high enough conjuration level and perks purchased by the player.


what I mean is that I noticed the base game summons seem to have hardcoded death animation to them when their time expires or when you resummon them, so I would like to eliminate that animation if there are anyway to do so.

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Then you have to make 1 Unique Horse and place it in small interior cell


when player want to summon your horse you should use MoveTo() Function to move your horse from

interior to player and when you want horse to disappear you Move it to your cell again :P


this way summon and desummon your unique horse



1. Create Interior Cell

2. Build little room ( at least floor )

3. Place XMarker

4. Place your Unique horse



1. Create script with OnEffectStart

2. You will need 2 References - one to your Horse / one to Xmarker in Interior cell

3. Move Horse reference to player reference when you want to summon horse - you can also play Animation

4. Move horse reference to Xmarker reference when you want horse to disappear :x...



ofc. you can also "Activate" your horse to start "Timer" count and disappear horse after time :x...

<ID> . Activate( <Who> )

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I see! That is a great Idea! However I'm no expert in papyrus scripting, seems like I might need to fiddle around abit longer, also, why would I need to create a new cell? Would it not be possible if I just leave my horse say at Riverwood? as in when I dont need the horse it will be deported back to riverwood using desummon spell, when I need it I will move it to me using spell?

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