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Can someone "fix" Daniel Agincourt and Alex Dargon?


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First things first: i know modding for FO3 is kinda dead (except for lSteweAl's amazing work in porting NVSE plugins to FOSE), but why not try to ask?


Well, thats the thing: these two characters are "strange" in the way they pop out from nowhere as soon you enter the Jefferson Memorial with James, then get their only big shot at the story when fleeing alongside LW and Dr Li to Citadel.


After that, things become more weird: When LW returns to JM, they find both kinda isolated at the bottom of the main room, as they were trapped in a groundhog-day-like hell, with the only difference now Agincourt insinue he's the true mind running the show, but only a hollow dialog. And they will not got out the loop even if you kill Bigsley and the other scribes. Emptying the Project Purity and they will stay in the same schedule, with Agricourt still arguing about the scribes.


My idea is to "enhance" both guys: The major idea is made them, if LW betray the brotherhood in Who dares Wins, assume the operations of Project Purity alongside Rivety City (and then make the BoS scribes "disappear" from the Memorial to prevent blood mess - assuming they were on Citadel when the satellite strike got down).


Alex could go to the Rotunda and act like the scientist leader; a pretty decent "substitute" to James and Li, at least better than the generic scientists added via Broken Steel.


Like Roy Philips if you let the Ghouls enter the Tenpenny Tower, Daniel Agincourt would "inherit" the "The Amazing Aqua Cura!" quest, and you can finish with him if you betrayed the BoS after speak with Griffon the first time.


A minor thing to consider to add would be their "backstory": they could already be on the game from the beggining (even with only generic dialog), with Daniel Agincourt sharing habits with Garza (in the Science Lab) or Henry Young (on the rest of Rivet City - or better: why not "merge" the characters, expanding Henry Young character? I feel Henry Young as-is is a pretty useless character BTW).


Alex Dargon, obviusly, would be on Science Lab alongside Li, Janice and Vera (the traitor), being annoyed as well by Zimmer and his robotic dog.


Lastly, since both are voiced by actors who are frequent in the game (Dargon is voiced by Craig Sechler - the same which voce Butch, Billy Creel, Talons, and Alex by Gregory Gorton) it would be relatively easy to get lines from other same voiced NPCs to make the new dialogs.

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