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Vortex showing EVERY plugin as incompatible. Game fails to launch with even one enabled.


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Like topic. Doesn't matter the number or type of mod; if it comes with a plugin that plugin will be labeled as incompatible (orange/red triangle) and the game will fail to launch. I've tried reinstalling the mods, double checked directory. I'm honestly at a loss as to what my next step would be. Back in the day played with mods through NMM and never had an issue. All mods I'm trying to use now are fresh downloads through Vortex, not migrations.

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That flag indicates that you are using plugins made for Skyrim LE with Skyrim Special Edition (which are technically incompatible and/or may cause long term issues with save games).


The reason the game fails to launch is, essentially, down to that.


To be more specific though: when an Oldrim plugin is trying to load an Oldrim bsa, Skyrim Special Edition will simply fail to start with no feedback.


You need to use mods that are actually made for Skyrim Special Edition.

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Could have sworn I was pulling them from the Special Edition section of Nexus Mods . . . Maybe when I took the link from Vortex ~to~ nexusmods it threw me in the wrong section? Either way I've re-navigated and what I've downloaded from there seems to be working. Hard to tell which I was getting because they all say I've downloaded them before from when I played Skyrim a year or two ago. Oh well, guess I'm just that dumb sometimes :)

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Hello, I hope its okay to add this here. I'm getting an incompatible plugin in vortex for flying mod overhaul by Indefiance. I'm very new to modding games this way and may be doing something wrong but I have checked that the mod is under Skyrim SE which is what I have. Not sure what to do next to fix it unless I should remove the mod.

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Hello, I hope its okay to add this here. I'm getting an incompatible plugin in vortex for flying mod overhaul by Indefiance. I'm very new to modding games this way and may be doing something wrong but I have checked that the mod is under Skyrim SE which is what I have. Not sure what to do next to fix it unless I should remove the mod.


I don't use it myself but as a general suggestion, have you looked in the posts for the mod? That's where I'd go first.


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Hello, I hope its okay to add this here. I'm getting an incompatible plugin in vortex for flying mod overhaul by Indefiance. I'm very new to modding games this way and may be doing something wrong but I have checked that the mod is under Skyrim SE which is what I have. Not sure what to do next to fix it unless I should remove the mod.


I don't use it myself but as a general suggestion, have you looked in the posts for the mod? That's where I'd go first.




I've read the posts but I can't seem to find this particular issue :(

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