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GetPlayer Script


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Hello forum people. I am looking to create a script that will allow me to basically get everything about the player. What does the player have equipped currently (shout/left hand/right hand), armor?


I basically need this info (knowing what the player had equipped) to access those particular items later.


I know I probably will need SKSE for this. I know these functions will also help accomplish this goal:






[What is the player using in their hand?]








[What shout?]



scriptname GetPlayerEquips extends Actor

Event OnUpdate()
;Get the armor

if (Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedItemType(0) == 0) ; 0 is fist
 Debug.Notification("Player has nothing in his left hand")
else ; Player has a weapon in their hands
myWeapon1=GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon() ; right hand
myWeapon2=GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon() ; left hand
;Get the shout


Int property 


... something like the above... I think using a resgisterForSingleUpdate would be good for pulling this info whenever necessary, and then I can make a function to equip it. If anyone can spruce this up I appreciate it, I'm a little confused on what the best practice would be for this and I gotta go to class :/


Thanks for reading :D

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Ah, that may very well be all I needed. Thanks. Never really experimented with the Form stuff. But of course FG is clever like that.


I'll be looking into how to make this a little bit more function-able and share the results when I get there :)

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