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Weird mouse behavior


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When I play Skyrim, I'm doing so in a modal container that takes one of my two screens (PC) (that is, I don't play "windowed").


When I scroll using the mouse in-game, if there's a browser or other scrollable container located outside the game on the other screen, it also scrolls.


Is this behavior "normal" and if not, is there some trick to preventing it? It's not a game-ender, but it IS annoying, doubly so if I have some text file up that's displaying some sort of instructions, or some other content I want to be able to see while in game



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Thanks for the reply JimmyChooChoo,


It's been doing it since day 1, ie, when I was still using the normal game icon to launch before adding the SKSE loader or any mods. And once I click the SKSE loader to launch the game, I'm not doing anything other than to click "load" from the game menu. That is, I'm not clicking on things outside the game.

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