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Need meshes/textures made for a sword and shield


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Since my requests here have been continually unanswered, I've decided I'll attempt to make a sword and shield that match Leona's from League of Legends. While I can do the stats and implementation stuff in the Creation Kit, I really suck at using NifSkope, and thus can't make the meshes and textures for such a shield and sword myself.


I would really appreciate it if someone here could help me out and make the meshes and textures for the sword and shield. These are what I'm looking for:




You can also check here for a 3D model of Leona from League of Legends, in case you need to see more angles: http://lol.zones.gam...skin_view/leona


Anybody who can do this for me will be credited when I make a Solari Shield and Sword mod.

Edited by darkdill
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