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More Frequent Northern Lights


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The title pretty much says it all, i'm an avid Skyrim fan who like most people love the Northern Lights at night. It's an amazing graphical design and spectacle to really increase immersion during long extensive game sessions. My only gripe is that this doesn't happen nearly as often as i'd like it to. Could someone make a quick mod that increases the chance of Northern Lights nights dramatically? I wouldn't suspect it would be difficult to do, but i'm no modder so don't hang me for saying that :P. If someone could do this though it would be greatly appreciated!
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console command is "force weather" or:




followed by one of these weather formID:


10e1f0 - SkyrimClearSN_A

10e1ef - SkyrimCloudySN_A

10e1ee - SkyrimClearTU_A

10e1ed - SkyrimCloudyTU_A

10e1ec - SkyrimClearFF_A

10e1eb - SkyrimCloudyFF_A

10e1ea - SkyrimClearRE_A

10e1e9 - SkyrimCloudyRE_A

10e1e8 - SkyrimClearCO_A

10e1e7 - SkyrimCloudyCO_A

10e1e6 - SkyrimClearMA_A

10e1e5 - SkyrimCloudyMA_A

10e1e4 - SkyrimClearVT_A

10e1e3 - SkyrimCloudyVT_A


someone make a mod, though. nothing kills immersion like having to go into the console every game-night.

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