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Help! - Mouse Glitch - ENB related?


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Hi peeps and thanks to all of you who provide help!! :turned:


I've run into a mouse glitch



It happens after setting resolution to 2560x1080 (this monitors native) in FalloutPrefs.ini

Removing the ENB files FNV root folder seems to fix the issue

Current ENB files in FNV root are

d3d9.dll - enbhost.exe - Both from http://enbdev.com/mod_falloutnv_v0322.htm

enblocal.ini - enbseries.ini - Both from https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66626


The only other program running is rivatuner, but it has never caused issues (that I can remember).


Since ENB seems necessary for high texture mods, I humbly ask for assistance :wink:

Does anybody has any tips/ideas on how to try fixing this??


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Okay, fixed!


Seems it was caused by rivatuner afterall =O


If you look at the picture with the glitch, there is an FPS display at the top left corner, wich is a rivatuner option (show on-screen display), turning that option off in rivatuner has made the mouse display normally again!


For the record, if anyone has this same issue, try checking rivatuner :thumbsup:

Edited by H1ms3lf
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FYI: In general, older games tend to want pretty basic mouse drivers, without any "advanced features" activated. Things you wouldn't expect to be an issue, such as "jump to default button" or "mouse tracks", even "hardware acceleration", etc. Varies by driver. Sometimes other things that affect the UI can have a similar impact.


Thanks for letting us know about the "rivatuner".



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