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Animation glitches

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I've been trying to get custom animations to work for an absolute age, and I finally got somewhere, but I've run into a small setback. When the animation in question plays, the animation plays fine, but the player is momentarily teleported underneath the map. Here's some screenshots. Both of these images were taken in the exact same position on the map.


No anim playing


My custom anim playing


Obviously this needs to be fixed before I can do anything else. If anyone could help I'd be very grateful, and would mean I'd be able to create many more animations that I could release as a mod.

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Toasty Fresh - Hello!


First off, I'm no expert on animations. :)


I have worked with reloads & a other weapons animations & tweaked a few settings in a few others though.


One thing comes to mind & that's when animations play they take control of whatever they are animating.


For instance a magazine can be placed anywhere on a weapon but once the reload animation plays it moves the magazine to the default position that the animation uses.


That's why, if you use vanilla reload animations, you have to mimic the transform settings in them.


Is it possible your custom animations have a start point set below where the player actually stands? Thus when the animation plays it moves the player into the ground?


Just a thought, as I say my knowledge of animations is limited.


I also know there was a bug when importing animations into Blender that their positions got moved & had to be fixed or they would be off when resaved, that bug & a few more animation pointers here:




Also more covered here:




Hope this is of some help!



Edited by prensa
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Alright, well I sorted out the whole "teleporting under the map" thing, but now I've got a different problem. The animation plays fine, and it looks pretty good to me, but for some reason, the camera snaps to a perfectly horizontal position. Like, if I aim at the ground, and then fire my gun, it will instantly snap my aim straight forwards, and then when the animation finishes it will go back to where I'm aiming. Seems to be a similar kind of problem, but I'm not sure what's causing it.


EDIT: Oh and also, say I'm animating 1hpattackright.kf, and I want to modify the animation of the magazine or slide or whatever. How do I import both the 1st person skeleton in addition to the weapon's skeleton so I can animate them both in conjunction? As soon as I alter the 1st person animation the moving parts like the hammer and slide stop moving completely.

Edited by Toasty Fresh
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