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how about creating mod adds t-45d/t-51b/advanced power armor


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no trolling intend, i am serious.

do not denounce my lame idea, just tell me ur opinions.

why does everyone hate medieval style powered armor made of steel/lightweight materials?

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no trolling intend, i am serious.

do not denounce my lame idea, just tell me ur opinions.

why does everyone hate medieval style powered armor made of steel/lightweight materials?



While I myself do not disapprove of this wonderful idea, the thing you must understand is that the fanbase is full of lore mongers.


I myself would love to see something like that. In fact I would love to have some sort of alien invasion mod and have all the aliens wield advanced weaponry.


So not all of us are against it.


Me, I would personally do half of the requests myself, even if it meant getting bashed/flamed by other fans for even agreeing to do in the first place, I would still do it.


Problem is, I have no modding talent.

Edited by rapcoa
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