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Opening Worldmap results in CTD


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I meanwhile figured out it's not a mods problem.

I reinstalled Skyrim via Steam, also MO and my desired mods. Started the game and passed the initial scene till I get my hands cut free. I can open the map now with all mods working!


BUT: When i try to edit the ini Files it gets weird:

These ini Files are the original ones implemented by MO from the Saves Location of Skyrim Steamversion. Despite these warnings it is as I said running just fine.

But as soon as I change the "bDoRadialBlur" to 0 (no matter in which ini File I add this section) the game again crashes whenever I open the Worldmap.




Hello dear community,

I'am somewhat new to modding.

Means that I did manage to get mods working either way (NMM, MO, Manual) but I'am certainly not a pro at it.
Especially when it comes to things like conflicts and loadorder.

My problem is that I get an CTD when i try to open the worldmap (No matter where, inside or in the world).
I already read this thread
AND did watch the MO Videos that explain the conflicts etc but I don't get it solved by myself.
I ran LOOT and the MO internal sorting to no avail, still crashing!
Now, maybe i have overseen some incompatibilties:
Here is my mod stuff:
I made sure that i got the map for this particular version of Skyrim (With no DLCs) out of the "Old Versions"-Tab but maybe i still got it wrong :/
Had the priorities and loadorder the other way around too from the beginning with the same CTD, just tried things out, so don't wonder why it is this way now! xD

I'am running Win 7, 8gb RAM + 8gb Pagefile, i7 3770K with an GTX 750 Ti (newest drivers, slightly!!! overclocked)

Thanks in advance


Edited by Splissjochen
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did you try to exclude the world map mod and see if it crashes then? i have similar problem getting ctd crash sometimes when open world map or loot or sometimes when i press f5 to quicksave sometimes just for no reason, i dont have a lot of mods to. with the elimination system i got a conclusion that immersive creatures is causing crash but dont know why and how to fix.

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