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Hand clipping through one-handed weapons in first person


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I am having a glitch where the character hand will clip through one-handed weapons in Fallout New Vegas. I have the Viva New Vegas mod list installed.

It seems to happen with no apparel on (which is modded) and combat armor (which is modded). It doesn't happen with leather armor (not sure if this is modded) or any of the fiend armor variants (I believe these are modded).

Has anyone encountered this / have any idea what the problematic mod could be? Note: I have tried isolating the culprit using the method here but because I used the Viva New Vegas guide, it seems mods are merged together in a lot of places and I am unable to even run the game with most disabled. A gallery of screenshots and my mod order is below. I appreciate any guidance and help!

EDIT: after testing a bit, the glitch seems to happen only in parts of Camp McCarran. All things considered, I can live with this. I would still appreciate if someone knows the culprit, though!

Edited by jowenrogers
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Please see the 'Body Replacement Basics' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. What you describe is due to a mismatch between the underlying body type or animation mesh and the texture files used for that equipment/apparel


Given McCarran is NCR territory, my initial guess would a conflict between WRP and "TLD_EnergyWeaponsForTheNCR_NoStatChanges.esp". But it might be with something in a "merged" file.



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Thanks for the response. What does WRP mean and how do I fix the conflict with the .esp?


It seems to occur in Boomer territory (generator room for their solar panels) and Helios 1 as well. It always occurs inside. It is more frequent than I thought unfortunately!

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"WRP" is the abbreviation for "Weapon Retexture Project" which is one of your installed "texture replacement" mods. (I shouldn't have assumed you would recognize the abbreviation, even though it is included in the full mod name.) Note that there is a difference in how the texture folder structure is constructed between the older version 1.95 and the current version 2.x archives and mod installation. This is important for "compatibility patches" as they may not be able to locate the files are they supposed to be patching if they are for the wrong version. The v1.95 archive had a "non-standard" folder structure that caused it's own problems. This was corrected for v2.x.


The way to resolve such conflicts is with a "compatibility patch". There are usually some published for popular mods, but they may not be listed on the main mod page. You will typically either need to create one yourself (not for rank beginners, but something you can learn to do once you understand the underlying issues) or search for published mods that have already done the work for you. But when you start to get into "patches" you need to learn that there are a couple of different kinds (besides "compatibility", there are "merge patchs" and "merge plugins") and why they are different from each other. (If you want to look into the subject, suggest you start with the "Terminology" section of the "Merged Plugin Guidelines for Personal Use" and the "Compatibility Patching" wiki articles.)


And sometimes you just have to choose to not use one. Not all mods can be made compatible. The incompatible ones are not always known or published by the author on their description page. The mod's comments page is always worth checking out to see if others have reported problems with other particular mods. The same applies to any mods affecting the area where you seem to have problems. This use of only compatible mods without needing patches is actually the most preferable method, but not always the most desired solution. It comes down to how much effort you are prepared to expend in resolving the conflict.


"Hand clipping" should not be limited to "interior cells" only. The same meshes and textures for the Player and their items are used regardless of location. You might see differences between "1st Person" and "3rd Person" views of the character, and between different weapons as those use different meshes from each other.


Please see the 'Issue - Find the source mod-index of an object in-game' entry under the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.


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  • 3 months later...

I know this is months old, but I had the same exact glitch as you, and I spent a long while finding the answer so I may as well share it. Check your FNV/Data/nvse/plugins folder for a little bastard called NewVegasReloaded.dll and get rid of it. Viva New Vegas even recommends against it being there, but I guess I missed that part.

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Thanks for posting that solution.


For those not familiar with it: "New Vegas Reloaded" (NVGE) is an NVSE Plugin extension to the video rendering pipeline. According to it's description it doesn't touch the game engine, so it is most like a "post processor" similar to ENB/SweetFX. It claims to be compatible with ENB/ENBHost, "implementing a series of new features and removing limitations that no longer make sense."


As with any other ambitious "overhaul" of major proportions, some unexpected side effects can be anticipated. Not all mods are 100% compatible with all others despite their intent or best efforts.



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