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Veni Vidi Vici Problems - Disappearing Sandbags and more


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I am currently playtesting a mod that I've been working on for a while now and making sure no bugs exist. I cannot be sure if my mod causes this or not because FNV is just a buggy game in general but I have my suspicions because when I disable the mod in question and try it nothing bad happens. I enable the mod and, when starting the battle for Hoover Dam, upon leaving the Legate's Camp I am treated to a scene where Legion and NCR start fighting.


Thing is, not long after, the bridge leading to the dam from the Legate's Camp disappears alongside the road, sandbags, and railings.


I have no idea what would cause this, my mod literally doesn't even edit or add anything on that side of the Dam, let alone touch the scripts, so I can't tell if I need to worried about it being my mod or if it is just luck of the draw. Can anyone help me out here?


I guess it isn't exactly a game breaking bug and it is very specific in where it happens so it wont be noticed all that much, but even so. Releasing a mod with that kind of bug wont really be appreciated by anybody. :/


I post this here and at New Vegas Mod Troubleshooting because it could either be the mod's fault or the game's fault.

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Can't really tell from that problem description (are those objects in the fore-, mid-, or back-ground), but it sounds like you are having a problem with your VWD/LOD "quads". Changes to your "load order" have an effect upon that. Try rebuilding them as described below.


If you add (or remove) any VWD/LOD textures (such as NMC, Vurt's WFO, or Ojo Bueno), please see the 'Checklist Item #15 & 16' entries in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide regarding the need to run both TES4LL and FNVLODGen; or xLODGen - Terrain LOD beta for FNV, FO3, FO4, FO4VR, TES5, SSE, TES5VR, ENDERAL. Also recommend you read the 'LOD/VWD Texture Packs' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article first.


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Thanks for the reply, but the only mods I have installed are YUP, My Mod, and a Ghoul Ganger mod I have yet to release. Could Load Order changes still have an effect?


I'm thinking of adding everything that disappears by hand and write a script that enables them when the things finally disappear so it'll be as if they never disappeared in the first place.


They're in the foreground btw.

Edited by kvatchcount
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Yes, adding or removing anything from the LO can have an effect. However, if objects are in the foreground, it is less likely, and if you are testing from a "new game" that only has those files in the LO and you only have the vanilla VWD/LOD files installed then it shouldn't matter. However, if you rebuilt them after adding such files and they are no longer present, that could cause the problem.


Haven't heard of this that I can recall in an exterior cell. If it weren't only happening in this one location I would think it might be related to an INI setting covered in TweakGuides. As you mention this is after fighting break out, it might be linked to the number of "objects" that are being rendered at the same time. Such "static" objects might be sacrificed in order to show more Actors.


I take it these are vanilla art assets that were originally placed in the world by the developers? Is the viewing angle related to their vanishing? In other words, do they reappear if you move from side to side?


Are you using a "post processor" such as ENB or SweetFX? Does the problem persist if you disable it?



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