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Breakdown mod


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I'm new computer gaming and I tried looking to see if this mod already exists and didn't find it. So like the title said a mod to break down objects like: Armor,Weapons,Robes,Clothes and Jewelry. I have a few 2 ideas on how to keep this lore friendly,but it's up to whoever makes it.


Blacksmith perk

It could be a perk for smithing Example: breakdown steel sword and you get a 1 x Leather Strip 2 x Steel Ingots 1 x Iron Ingot. It could be a perk for smithing or it could only done at a forge. I was thinking about this for awhile now, I never have the right ingredients. I always have or see these weapons and armor on the ground, so I want to at least want to break them down and put them to better use. If you put in a Wench outfit in maybe you get linen wraps. To breakdown the item you go to the items corresponding category. (leather in leather steel in steel) Also you can't get organic items back like daedric hearts,frost,void,fire salts. Leather is okay, it seems more lore friendly like that



A spell that that belongs under the school of Alteration you could find the Spell tome at a forge. Have it be similar to the Blacksmith perk but you get the organic stuff when you break it down. Maybe you can also break ingots down to ore with this spell. If you think about it could be used in battle to destroy an enemy's weapon or armor only if you're pointing at it with the cross-hair.


That's just my idea and if it's already been done please point me to it.

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