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Custom .nif causing CTD in game

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I've been troubleshooting this for hours and I'm at my wit's end. The problem is this:

I've added a couple small changes to the minigun, trying to add blast shields to the front so it resembles the halo 3 minigun.


It looks fine in nifskope:



But the second the new model tries to appear in game, it CTDs

I've checked everything from the BGSM, the textures themselves, and even a bunch of other stuff people have suggested that I can't even remember the name of. Some stuff like Skinless, Full Precision, etc.


I really don't know what else to do, so If anyone wants to tinker with them yourselves to help me get this working let me know so I can send you the files. If you have ideas as well for me to try, shoot em here. I might have already tried it, but in case I haven't, it might just be the key


The original process I followed was mostly similar to this:


The only differences were I kept the original mesh instead of deleting it, since this is meant to add on to it, and I created new "BSLightingShaderProperty"s since I was adding new textures to the shields. (I've tried using the minigun's instead but that still CTDs)


With all the things I've tried, it's possible the problem lies with the mesh itself. Perhaps someone who's familiar with using blender to make models for fallout 4 knows what's wrong. If you can see anything glaringly absent from this, let me know:


Edited by mauskal
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When i was working with nifskope, I know that having 2 ninodes in one model would cause a ctd in game. You'd have to make the 2nd ninode a child of the original ninode.

Also I think the shapes can't have the same name or it will ctd?

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the new shapes are already given the seperate names "ShieldLeft" and "ShieldRight" I haven't tried the child idea, though. I'll give it a go once im able to open up my game. I assume you mean the TriShapes, which are what the new models are imported as when introduced to the minigun


and no dice...

The files currently look like this:


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So I've been getting some help from the folks in the Commonwealth Spartan discord, who have an interest in seeing this work out, and we've got some advanced troubleshooting done...turns out the problem is SOMEWHERE in the texture files or the BGSM file...We managed to get the shields working with the default Minigun.bgsm


It ain't pretty, but its in game without CTDs now, and we've narrowed down where the problem is...Still don't know WHAT the problem is


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Alright we found the issue over in that discord! the texture files were generated by blender in a strange resolution, not supported by the game. After changing them to dimensions of other fallout texture files as reference...well...



All that's left is some minor texture tweaks, and the go ahead from the author of the drumless minigun mod and I'll be sharing this with the world!

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