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How does the game know explicitly what item i am checking for when i set short GetHasItems to 1


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Title says it all


How does the game know explicitly what item i am checking for when i set short HasItems to 1?


How is this information then processed to determine what schematics player is holding?


can someone explain this to me?


Edit; I Just realized that HasItems determines whether or not to show the or a workbench and that in Geck there is an option to configure for the messageboxes for GetHasItem for each option.


Hope this makes sense to anyone else asking the same question.

short HasItems
if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20 == 1  || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote20 == 1  || GetHasNote SchematicsRockitLauncherNote20 == 1  || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote20 == 1
set HasItems to 1
Edited by gman517
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