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Strange Floating Rocks


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I have been struggling with the problem of groups of small floating rocks appearing in randon dungeons, which disappear (in most cases) after reloading the game. Although I am unsure of the cause of this in most cases, the problem is particularally prevelant in Darkwater Pass, where there are three major concentrations of rocks- just down the stairs from the upper entrance, at the bottom of the first waterfall (both groups alligned at a slant) and a frighteningly large concentration in the middle of the large open area of the cave (which includes underwater plantlife floating among the rocks as well). I figured out through trial and error that the first cluster is caused by Dragon Falls Manor, the second is caused by the Birds and Flocks mod, and the third large one is caused by the Skyrim Unofficial Patch. Even with no other mods installed (or even Dawnguard) the problem persists. I use a Bashed Patch as well, and it doesn't seem to be effected by it.


Does anyone know the cause or have any experience with such problems? If anyone wants I can post screenshots of the problem if you don't quite understand what I'm talking about. I think I've heard about this problem before, with it being referred to as corrupt terrain generation or something similiar.


I'll greatly appreciate any help as I'm quite sick of this problem.

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Nobody ever wants to hear this but a clean install may be your simplest option.


If you decide to un install do not forget to clean out the hidden files in the registry - I use ccleaner.


It may be rather extreme but I do a clean install for every official patch.


Also have a good read of this thread - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/

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