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face and neck skin tone


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For the life of me I can't get my characters' faces to come anywhere near the perfect matches I've seen in screenshots on this site. For example the HGEC mod. All those screenshots have characters whose skin as a whole matches itself. How is this possible? My heads are always a few shades too light or too dark.


Thanks in advance. I tried searching through other topics because I figured others would've had this problem but I didn't find anything.

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Its incredibly HARD to get a "perfect match" Infact, its impossible.


Due to many difference lights/effects that would be on your character and others at any point in oblivion, changing the colour of different body parts. You can never have a colour that will look exact in any time of day/weather etc.


It just the way it is, unless your a vampire and only come out at night, then you wont notice.


But... just live with it.


(the necklace covers the seam as Dez pointed out but you wont get better than that - just tweak your skin tone till your happy)

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