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Modified HUD / GUI


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I have seen many old posts with regards to this, and have read everything I could find. May users have great ideas to put into a new PC relavant HUD but technical problems with Scaleform, Flash, Etc seems to have stopped work on the project altogether. I have started working on it a bit but would like to see where it stnds in the community.



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Sorry to reply to my own post first off but still brain storming. Would it be possible to turn off the default hud 'tm' and add one using ingame graphics ans skse scripts? That may be and prove easier than the technical challenges of deailing with Scaleform. Just wondering how i would win the elements to the screen at all times. Input thoghts please. Edited by tsanford01
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You need adobe flash to get started. I recommend CS4.


Hud widget presentation.



Use this to edit menus directly.



Track this for hud widget updates.


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Thank you for reading and replying to my post as I am new to this community but have been an avid gamer for 20+ years. I am also a hobby programmer in C++, Java, and VB. I have CS5.5 and I am able to do simple things like change fonts and backgrounds as of now. I was looking at advanced changes like adding health and mana bars for companions maybe controls like dragon age kind of thing. The Scaleform interface is making those changes impossible do to lack of interface documentation.

Good Gaming to you !

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I am also a hobby programmer in C++, Java, and VB. I have CS5.5 and I am able to do simple things like change fonts and backgrounds as of now.

Scaleform uses actionscript 2.0. If you know java, learning actionscript will be a breeze because AS is a superset of java.



I was looking at advanced changes like adding health and mana bars for companions maybe controls like dragon age kind of thing.

When its ready, you will be able to add health bars to the hud with the hud widget project via the CK.



The Scaleform interface is making those changes impossible do to lack of interface documentation.

http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/Scaleform.html - Scaleform guides and tutorials

https://gameware.autodesk.com/support/documentation - Official scaleform docs

http://gameware.autodesk.com/scaleform/features/clik - Learn more about CLIK from the above links.

http://www.youtube.com/user/scaleformpress - Official scaleform youtube channel

Most of these resources are targeted for use in the unreal engine but its plenty to get working with the UI

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