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Dawnguard vampirism not getting cured properly


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I tried to cure one of my character of vampirism with the Falion quest.

I noticed that the VL power was gone (along with the glowing eyes and gaunt face) but weakness to fire and the other vampire powers were still there.


I tried with the console, but the same thing happened (even with showracemenu)

I tried by becoming a werewolf, but it happened again (some would say it's cool since I was some kind of werepire without using the console)


I tried all of that just after uninstalling Better Vampires (properly uninstalled + Clean save).


So, my question is : does someone around here has ever encountered that kind of issue ? Is there a way to fix it (console commands for vanilla vampiric powers/debuffs or anything else) ?


NB : My game may also be glitched since I never experienced the "everyone attacks you" moment when you are at vampirism stage 4.


NB² : I apologize for my poor english and hope my message is understandable.

Edited by truncks
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