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Adding Magic Effects (with duration, magnitude, etc) to Items via FO4Edit Script?

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Say I have several items of food in a mod, and I want to add/remove a magic effect to/from all of them. Say, for example, I want to remove the radiation damage on all vanilla food.


I've started an xEdit script that attempts to do this, but it, well, doesn't...

unit RemoveRadsScript;


    RadString = 'DamageRadiationChem "Chem: Radiation Damage" [MGEF:00024056]';

Function Process(eWorking: IInterface): integer;


    iEcount, i: integer;
    eEffects: IInterface;
        eEffects := ElementBySignature(eWorking, 'Effects');
	    iECount := ElementCount(eEffects);
        for i := 1 to iECount do
				eEFID := GetEditValue(ElementBySignature(ElementByIndex(eEffects, iECount)), 'EFID');
				if eEFID = RadString then
					RemoveByIndex(eEffects, iECount, FALSE);

Where I assume it is failing is in the "eEffects := ElementByPath(eWorking, 'Effects');" part. Since there is no overarching signature for the magic effects, I don't know what to use instead of 'Effects', as that's what they are labeled as in xEdit, as seen here:




Anyone have any information on how to correct this, I would be super happy!





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unit RemoveRadsScript;

RadString = 'DamageRadiationChem "Chem: Radiation Damage" [MGEF:00024056]';

Function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
i: integer;
eEffects: IInterface;
eEFID: string;
eEffects := ElementByPath(e, 'Effects');
for i := 0 to ElementCount(eEffects) do begin
eEFID := GetElementEditValues(ElementByIndex(eEffects, i), 'EFID');
if eEFID = RadString then
RemoveByIndex(eEffects, i, FALSE);
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I'm pretty new to it too, but I've been practicing a lot for the last month, and I think that I've done a little mistake in this script, in the for loop, it goes from 0 to the count when it should go from 0 to count -1, for this end there's a function, Pred(), which returns the value of the passed integer minus 1:

for i := 0 to Pred(ElementCount(eEffects)) do begin

Like in any other programming language, if the count is 5, it contains 5 index: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. So the loop goes from 0 to 4 (5-1).

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