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a cbbe v1-3 with bbp


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i realy like the fact that people came up with the bbp and the breathing mods but in turn there are some much more armor replacers for the cbbe bodys then there are for the unp and the bbp bodys and on top of that the cbbe bodys are realistc size comperd to the bbp bodys that have you know the size of overly larg beach balls.


so all in all i am looking for a moder to build bbp to be added to the cbbe v1-3 bodys so that way there is atleast one good bbp with out overly gigantoor b++bs


plz and thank you and i look forword to the mods arivel


note and if you are wanting to know what i am talking about here are links to the cbbe bodys and to the bbp bodys








cbbe armors


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