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Goodneighbor: More of an idea...


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Not really a request - more of an idea that I had after completing the excellent Depravity mod.


Is there anyway to access the 'unreachable' interior of the real Goodneighbor? If you go through the front door, or go over the walls (or even jump down from 'on high'), you get transferred to a cell thats NOT really 'in' the open world. Its actually an interior cell disguised as an exterior cell (so is DC, but I'm not really sure the inside of that is 'fleshed out').


I KNOW it exists - when I am on the overpass or building tops, I can use my scopes to look right down into it. I've even fired nukes down into it, which have ZERO affect (the real one is abandoned). Would it be possible to make a mod that allowed us to use the interior of that area? Or is it too heavily hard-coded to transport you out of there no matter what?


Would make an EXCELLENT settlement, if someone could just install a 'back door'. :)

Edited by MarkusTay
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