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Extremely long saving time (1min)


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I actually encounter a really anoying issue with my game. I have a really long saving time, something like 1minute, and its really annoying and I cant find how to fix it. When I look at SKSE.log, I see this :


SKEE64Serialization_Save - Serialized string table 1ms
SKEE64Serialization_Save - Player morph data 11ms
SKEE64Serialization_Save - Serialized transforms 14636ms
SKEE64Serialization_Save - Serialized overlays 0ms
SKEE64Serialization_Save - Serialized overrides 0ms
SKEE64Serialization_Save - Serialized body morphs 29267ms
SKEE64Serialization_Save - Serialized item data 23ms
So I think it come from Racemenu or XP32 Skeleton, but I dont know how to fix it. This is my modlist, I never experienced any crash or corrupted save. Just this issue. Could you help me ? Thank you in advance !
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Finally, after a lot of try, I found the problem.


It come from Vortex software, when this one is open while you play Skyrim, it cause incredibly long saving time. I just disabled it when playing and now everything is fine !

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