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Horrible Dark lines/Shading problem.


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So I have this weird Shading problem, I've just blown it off for awhile now, but it's finally getting on my nerves. I'm seeing hard shading lines or something around edges of rocks, plants, some objects, and I have semi transparent trees, you can see these dark lines/everything behind the tree, also have a strong bloom effect too it looks like. I've tried disabling all my mods, doing that + a new character, so I'm thinking it was my failed attempt with ENBs, they never work for me.. But I'm not sure what this deal is, so if anyone can help, I would be very thankful, if you need specs, or anything, ask.


I'm having issues re-sizing the pic, so sorry for no pic, it's like 5.4mb stock. So idk. I'm a noob I know.


EDIT: So I figured my problem out, was my AO being on.

Edited by earthbomb70
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