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[PC] Problem eyes blue aura?


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I have a problem with the character's eyes (I think), when I move the camera to see the character's eyes shine with a heavenly aura, as I solve this problem?


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This seems to be a fairly common bug.


As far as I know there is only one way to fix it and it means using the console;


Open the console and type the following -


player.addspell f71d1 ; Drauger Abilities


Press enter on key board and close console,then open the console again and type -


player.removespell f71d1 ; Drauger Abilities


Press enter,close console and you are done.


You do not need to type anything that comes after the ; I just left that in so you could see what you are adding and removing.


This bug happens so often for me that I have made two small batch files in my Skyrim Directory.

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