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Need help with the development of a gay NSFW mod


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Would any of you be interested in providing help for the creation of a gay sex mod? We're trying to surpass all the recent mods to make something noteworthy, and would appreciate if someone with experience provided some help with coding and scripts. If any of you is interested, PM me.

We would like to find help in creating some stuff such as:

Adding new items that can be referenced in events
Perhaps finding a way to make more high definition animations

If anyone is interested, PM me.

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Hello, MissCoriel here.


If you click on this link you will find links to all of the professional resources.

Eventing, Character Creation, dialogue, and even images CAN be done through the use of Content Patcher!

Be sure to read the Modder Documentation <3

in terms of Items, Json Assets can be of help, unless you want a specific thing to happen then you would require SMAPI to do the work for you.

Not much advice I can personally give you there. I had help making my Event Repeater. However, the first link I posted here, contains a direct link to our Modding Community who has many skills.

Given the nature of your mod, you might want to keep some of the NSFW things to yourself but ask how to make them.

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