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DA staff show their true faces.


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wow,3rd times the charm. Copyrights as you stated keep someone from stealing another persons work,making money off of it and then calling it there's.

Copyrights protect the creators right to make money off of his creation,and to do away with them all together would be , well...I think you see what I'm saying.

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Technically, in all purposes, DA has not infringened on copyright laws. The people who do the uploading have. And given the fact that there are over 20 submissions every ten seconds, it's gotta be incredibly hard for them to deal ith it. but they do deal with Copyright infringement.


The point, really, is that DA staff are abusing their power and that the higher-powers aren't accepting that and are just shucking it off.


If this is of course true. It's also quite possible of a hack job being done. DA is a large sight and hackers/crackers just love to mess up the flow of things. They could be deleting these things and acting like a moderator.

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