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Suggestion for Night time


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I'm not sure if this has already been done, I had a small look but...

I have a suggestion for a mod.

There's nothing "Nocturnal" in the game besides one of the Daedric Princes, so I was thinking, why not make a mod so as soon as it starts to get dark, the place starts to get sinister... Not just in its look, but also its activity. Creatures of the night come out of their caves and roam, looking for food. e.g Vampires, trolls, werewolves etc.


I'm kind of disappointed that Bethesda didn't include this in the game originally.

In oblivion, day & night are all the same, just with a different look. I'd honestly like to see an increased challenge at night, and see those lonely inns have a reason to get used.


If you want to use this idea, or know of something already like it out there, please go ahead, but tell me.


- Howie

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I always wondered why dungeon-vampires didn't have their AI Packages set up so they'd wander outside at night... Maybe I'll mod it in after my current project. Trolls aren't nocturnal in Oblivion, though.

Incidentally, I modded the hell out of Curse of Hircine while in-between projects, and it now has one dedicated migratory werewolf pack that hunts at night. I sort of look forward to getting back to it and adding a couple of other packs/using my increased scripting knowledge to fix up some of the many bugs I caused.


I'm not really sure how I feel about auto-spawning nocturnal human-predators, and I definitely don't have the patience to place them in the world individually...

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Goblins wander around at night... you just normally don't see them unless you're in the area at the right time.


Really though, something like this just doesn't work too well given the normal timescale. 1 game hour passes every 2 mins, so night only lasts about 15 mins. That's really not long enough to experience any sort of nocturnal behavior unless you just happen to be in the right place at the right time. Most of the time this would likely end up being a situation where things pop up out of nowhere or disappear right as you get close due to the passage of time. There is nothing saying that the timescale cannot be modfied, but most people are not in the practice of doing so.

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I'm pretty sure goblins also wander around in the day...


But that's assuming you'd expect the creatures to be enountered often, as well as night creatures popping in and out of existence depending on the time of day. A couple methods of avoiding pop-in/out come to mind:

1: Dungeons. Place a bunch of new "Wandering" vampires outside of a vampire den, and a new invisible object (Form) at the middle it. At night, they wander at editor location. In the daytime, they wander near "Any object" that has the marker form. It wouldn't be much, but one's still liable to run into vampires when near a vampire den at night. Even more noticable since vampire dens usually don't have exterior inhabitants (Or, at the very least, just a couple of wolves). At nightfall they'll appear realistically out of the dungeon's door, and at daybreak (or probably an hour before) they'll head back in.

2: Ambushes. If you spawn them in near the player using randomizers, it's easy enough to make sure they spawn a fair distance behind the player and start combat instantly to hunt them down. At daybreak, they're cleaned up only if they don't have line of sight to the player and are far enough away.

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I know trolls aren't nocturnal, but they don't like fire. They can survive in the sunlight, although it is said that they don't like it, as they are sensitive.


Maybe even a mod that changes the timescale, to give them time to go out and hunt.


I was just thinking of the "Its not safe out there at night" style.

As I said, if you want to use this idea, go ahead and be my guest. Just when its done, I'd like you to throw me a message :D


EDIT: Also, it would be cool if there was a mod that gave a chance at night when you are sleeping to be bitten by a vampire. You wave up, discover you have been bitten and a vampire is standing there. Unless, of course, you already are one.

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There are tons of Timescale mods out there, Vagrant0's Smarter Timescale probably being the best. With that mod activated or not, you can even change the timescale yourself with the console by simply typing "Set timescale to (timescalemultiplier)". Vanilla Oblivion's timescale goes 30 times as fast as real time, so if you wanted to make it take twice as long you'd type "Set Timescale to 15".


Nightly Visit adds a 1% chance of being bitten in your sleep (you wake up about 50% of the time).

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