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Because you've made multiple posts, gone on to other mod authors' pages and asked them to do some fairly extensive work to change one or two things about a follower instead of just researching how to change hair/armour yourself, and are just throwing requests out there without having a crack at it yourself. I understand you might want a certain thing done, but for extensive changes/follower mods like you want, it's a lot of work and continuously asking will just make people less interested in fulfilling said requests. There are plenty of tutorials on how to make/change followers and armours. Perhaps you could start there instead of going on to random pages and asking modders to do it.

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Hello MasterTrickster023. Kind of hard to answer you when you don't post what you're asking ...

From what I've looked up it seems you're asking for .. "please make the clothes not revealing bottom part of body "

What you're follower wears can be changed and there are a lot of things to wear in Skyrim.
Also there is a mod called AmazingFollowerTweaks that can change the default items a follower uses.
I hope that helps.

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That is a bit out of my scope. Things like that are pretty hard to make and it takes years to understand how it's done.
Especially for Skyrim as you have to use tools that are not really made for Skyrim. You have to be 1/3 designer, 1/3 editor and 1/3 hacker.
Just to get it to work for Skyrim. People like that are very rare and very busy on their own work. You would be hard pressed to have someone
just whip you up something like that.

However you may be able to find most of that outfit or something really close here on the Nexus. As far as the body you could build/use a skin like that.
Then make a tattoo to finish it off. Again you can find tools to do that kind of stuff here on the Nexus. But you will have to take the time to learn how to use them yourself.
Tell you right now this stuff isn't easy at all. Even cutting corners like I mentioned. I have seen most of that stuff or something pretty close to it here on the Nexus.
I don't think you understand what you are asking ... but ya that outfit looks great.

Did some looking around and wow, Butterfly is super super popular character on VOA. If I was you I just keep my eye out for a mod like this possibly from a site in Japan.
It's just going to be a matter of time before someone puts this together. Whoever makes this will surly get a thousands of downloads in a few days ...

Anyone with the skills to do this could pretty much toss this together with existing armors a dark skin and a tattoo.

Good luck!

Edited by NexusComa
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