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SKSE64 launcher CTD when loading Main menu


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I do not know that much about " Gopher's " ... but first here is the directions from SKSE 64's own README . TXT file.


[ Installation ]
1. Copy the .dll and .exe files to your Skyrim SE directory. This is usually in your Program Files folder under Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\. If you see files named SkyrimSE and SkyrimSELauncher, this is the correct folder. Do not copy these files to the Data folder as with a normal mod. The "src" folder is only useful for programmers, most users can ignore it.


As pointed out, it should NOT be in the DATA FOLDER, which is why it's showing up in your MOD LISTING. So I would follow the above ... as this is from the author's of the program. :smile:


I'll be watching .... ( reading ) .....

Thanks jjb54 for the information. I intend to uninstall skse64 data from Vortex mod list and copy and paste it into my Skyrim SE directory as you, and the author instructed, but before I do that I wished to complete my P.I.T.A protocol. Trying to manage my challenges one at a time. I may have tracked the cause of my game crashing issue but I will write about that inn another post

I re-watched Gofer's, YouTube "SKSE64 installation guide", which shows the skse mod author's way, but recommends to copy the skse64 Data as a .7z archive in separate created folder outside of the Skyrim SE directory and load that into your Mod manager. He was using NMM to install it. I am using Vortex if that matters.

His explanation for this being a safer installation was that, with his set up, If he were to down load any mod that effected (changed) the skse64 data, then a pop up window would appear to warn him so he could back out of that mod before it installed and made any changes to skse64 data. He states that without the skse64 data within the Mod list, then, "potentially", any installed mod could change the data but you would never know it and this could effect the game negatively without the gamer ever able to track the cause.

This is not a defense of my set up, but rather an explanation of why my skse64 got set up the way it did.

I plan to change it to follow the skse64 install instructions but after I have figured out what Mod(s) caused my CTD.

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UPDATE ON MY SKSE64 launcher CTD when loading Main menu


I am about 2/3 through my Mod list so I cannot rule out other mods that I have yet to enable. One mod that is definitely causing the CTD as I described it in my original post where the main menu will not launch without a CTD. And the winner is.....


CBPC-CPB Physics with Collisions For SSE and VR ( :dance: but also :wallbash: )


Not sure what went wrong or how to fix it, or if I should give up on the Mod? Some of my downloaded clothing Mods listed it as a requirement (such as my DX Celes Nightingale Armor SSE -)


I downloaded/ installed CBPC on Aug 4th and It worked w/o any issues until my CTD happened on Aug 22. Now it does the same CTD issue if enabled.


What I have tried so far.....


1. I have tried a reinstall with it disabled but still within mod list, I have deleted the Mod (and its archive) and re-downloaded it. I have run FINIS update each time I have enabled/ unenabled and before and after each installation/ deletion.


2. I have moved the XPMSE skeleton to the bottom of my plugin list. All with the same result. (CTD)


3. as part of the scripted install of CBPC, it has you choose your set up it has you choose your version of Skyrim, your version of skse64 and your body. I chose Skyrim SE, The latest version of skse (skse64_2_00_16), but I am using UNP renewal "skinny", which was not listed, but I chose UNP Pinup as it seemed closest and was an option within the UNP renewal female body mod installation script that I have installed.


Not sure what went wrong or changed on Aug 22. I don't suspect the lack of power of my game system as It is a new Alienware Aurora R8 with a NViDIA Geforce RTX 2070 8g and it is my first game with plenty of space..


As I have stated before that I am new to this. So my research has mainly been from the Mod pages. I have only come across a sticky post within CBPC that suggests a solution for CTD issues relating to downloading something from Steam.



I have not done this suggested fix and I rather first get any feedback or advice before trying.


If your game is crashing on start (xcbp.dlll disabled, fatal error occured while loading plugin)
Follow these steps:

Start by pressing Win+R, and then pasting: steam://nav/console
A steam console in your steam client should appear now, just paste the following line(s)
download_depot 489830 489833 7531846925655934196
This line is downloading Skyrim.exe - Update from 05.12.2018

Move and replace downloaded file(s) (Steam\steamapps\content\app_489830) to your skyrim dir



I'm hesitant to try this as it sounds like its downloading from previous Skyrim SE updates and my game is brand new and has yet to get an update so I am unsure how steam's archive may react to my reverting back to previous updates I never had previously downloaded


I am also hesitant to use SSEDIT as I have only used it to clean master DLC esm's using the auto clean and I am not sure what to clean or look for. CBPC also does not create a plug in to clean on my Vortex.


Plus I am unsure if the issue is only a conflict with another Mod. If so, the only 'enabled' Mods it currently seems to rely on are the UNP female body renewal, FINIS ,and the XPMSE.


I would like to have the bounce and the physics, but will move try other options. (TBBP mod or CPC) if this is too hard to fix or anyone has better suggestions to try. :smile:

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