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No grass, at all. Have tried everything.


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Alright so I see that other people have had this problem in the past, and the only reason why I'm creating a new post for it is because I've tried everything that's been suggested and absolutely nothing has worked. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling various grass mods and even just loading the game with no grass mods at all. I'm just confused because everything was working fine just a couple hours ago, and then I decided I wanted to try out Frostfall. I didn't like it, so I uninstalled it, and bam. No grass, anywhere. I've tried the "tg" command in the console and that hasn't worked.


I've seen many people suggest to go into SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini and change some things around in there under [Grass], and I've done my best with that but a something I find rather troubling is that I don't have a Skyrim.ini file, I have a Skyrim_Default.ini file and SkyrimPrefs.ini exists in two different places; there's one in the "Skyrim" folder and one in the "Data" folder. Which one do I edit? Are there supposed to be two? Also are Skyrim.ini and Skyrim_Default.ini the same thing?? I'm very lost.


Also, I've noticed that in SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim_Default.ini that, in comparison to what other people have in their files, that mine are missing things under [Grass]. Like some things that most other people have under there just don't exist in mine, and yes I've tried just adding them in. Nothing.


This is what I have:



SkyrimPrefs.ini (in "Skyrim" folder):
SkyrimPrefs.ini (in "Data" folder):
And that's it. I'm really lost with this. I would really appreciate any help and suggestions.
Edited by dontfeellikemoving
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Your Skyrim.ini file is located in.. whereever you also store your savefiles..

They arent stored in the Skyrim/Data Folder


(Ive got mine in Documents -> My Games -> Skyrim SE..)



To edit your .ini file, you could try out BethINI. There are multiple settings for changing.. grass... Its probably easier to understand and change the settings there than inside the .ini file itself

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  • 2 months later...

OMG thank you so much for this ! Did have the same problems with grass, was trying everything, ini edit, etc... even summoning some daedra prince of grass, but nothing worked.
And then, BethINI solve the problem.
You deserve all my septim.

Edited by Khazrak31
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