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Obama or McCain


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Ever since 9/11 I have been more involved in politics than others are/should be. What is being done for or to our country behind the scenes when others stroll through their day practically unaffected is fascinating to me, especially when the president has a tougher time compiling a noun larger than 3 syllables than scribbling "Al Kida dun ben heer" on the Bill of Rights with a crayon (...sorry I had to). Bush has shown me the ugly side of democracy and the importance for people like me to help stand against that abuse.


Since the election is around the corner and I have turned the legal age to vote this year, I am curious where the TES community stands when it comes to Obama and McCain. If you asked me, I'm strongly for Obama (I shook his hand when he visited Virginia this Thursday) because we can't expect change from McCain if he is for a war the US cannot financially support.


So if anyone is concerned, who are you for and why? Again, I'm just curious - I won't bite if I disagree.

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Although most will disagree, and some will even LIE about certain aspects of this post, I feel it is my right to express my reply to said post.


I would not vote for either...

Obama wants to pull out of war too quickly which will create fatal retaliation....

think of it this way

I punch you in the mouth really hard

"My bad see ya"


Now are you going to go "Ok bye!" or "You son of a **** DIE!!" and attack me?


Now as for McCain his views on gun ownership and governmental power seem to completely undermine our concept of self-government which is already rapidly diminishing....


Also I must say 2 things.

Most people who vote for McCain are either in the army, or are 45+ (due to there views on war)

Most people who SAY they would vote for Obama only say so, or so be labeled racist if not....our youth is misled into voting for someone for fear of prejudice. Its sad because Im AA and I see more of my own people using racism toward white people than white people do toward them. The point is people are practically forced to vote for someone they don't know anything about.

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I said I wouldn't bite, but this one here has one strange angle of attack.


First off, where exactly would most people disagree with me?

That Bush has been a disastrous president? Three quarters of the American population agree with me.

That I am for Obama because of his policies, not of his skin? Half of the American population aren't braindead - voters think, mind you.

That more kids my age need to participate in the elections? You're right, they shouldn't. How undemocratic of me to say.


Secondly, of course some will LIE about what I say: it's called politics. It's par for the course.


Thirdly, I wholeheartedly agree that there will be retaliation whoever becomes president, but there is where your logic is flawed:


"Lets just not vote because we're *banned* either way."




No, things can and should be done by the nominees to at least minimize the inevitable, though I disagree with McCain's approach. We can either destroy the problem (McCain) or repair it (Obama). We can either let more American soldiers die (McCain) or put the nation's security at risk (Obama). We can either be feared (McCain) or loved (Obama).


Lets put it into perspective: why do you think they attacked in the first place? For our freedom and democracy? Because we're a superpower? Just because? Hell no. We installed a Christian military base in the heart of the holy Muslim world. That pissed off the Middle East more than anything, so they demanded us to leave. We didn't. So they retaliated.


Now that Bush put more fists into the brawl, there is no one true way out of this. But if we weren't basking in a pool of our own ego and could at least consider alternative views from other nations which Obama is for, starting with withdrawing what Osama Bin Laden constantly calls "crusaders", we could be stepping in the right direction.


If you're going to attack me unprovoked, do it properly and with some foundation.

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I don't like either one. Our democratic system is showing it's weakest side in the way that the candidates are chosen. You are given a choice between two or three that have been selected by each party to carry out the policy of that party. Anyone else is brushed aside like was done to Ron Paul and Dennis Kusinich. Then the big media gets into it and each partisan news group tries to show what a looser the people running against their personal favorite is. When they narrow it down to two, it becomes a mud slinging contest who can slime the other the worst before the election.


I will vote against the one I dislike the most come election day.

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I'm leaning mainly towards obama because I dislike McCain more so far. I believe Obama is a liar oor at least has lied about a few thing he shouln't have. However...well I just don't like McCain and I think Sarah Palin's a.... well not a very nice term that will get me a strike or ban if I say it, even edited. I would rather have voted Clinton. I liked Bill I thought he was a good president. Yeah he had an affair and lied about it but he did a good job with our economy. Who would you rather have; a jackass who bases his decision on his religious preferences or a dirt bag but a dirt bag that knows how to run an economy?

Now before anyone jumps on me for mentioning religion, touchy subject here and rightfully so. It's because I'm almost certain the job of the government is to keep law and religion seperate. If that's true what does that say about a president that makes laws using religion to justify them?

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You say they attacked like they attacked us first.

Lets look at your statement..


We installed a christian base in a muslim country...



Ok now by my standing installing a base in a country when there is clearly rejection...thats an attack.

And you must not actually pay attention to most of the people these days.....where I am now you can ask anyone "whats Obama"s stand on war"


You would get:

What? Man Obama is gonna be a good presdent.... he gonna help our country get rid of this debt we owe..



Ya Im serious that is the answer you would get.....Im in illinois mind you...corn field junkies....


And another thing you opened this just so you could start an argument because I in no way attacked you. I expressed my personal opinion against Obama....you take things too personally. BTW I would rather be fear. Love is a weakness I-M-O



Lol one more thing...

It wasn'ts bush's place to put us in Iraq, but its not Obamas place to just put our nation in danger to save them....That is not smart...

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I hope so, he has done pretty well so far, people just expect him to be able to fufil everyone of his promises in a few months though, I think he is doing pretty well by me, especially because the prices of houses are to be lowered and I will need one in 5 or so years, maybe 3. It really depends on what the Liberal party do, if they stick up another John Howard Kevin Rudd will probably stay. Personally when I can vote I will vote for The Greens. Unless it is going to be tight between the two leading parties in which case I will vote for whichever one is better for me at the time because every vote may count.
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