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Obama or McCain


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so what do you get for you work? some dollars... these are printed and distributed by the fed... the fed is owned by whom? some banks... the us gov then buys that bunch of paper from the fed in change for gold and lets em distibute it... you can then change that money for food or whatever you deem necessary... do you get the value you work is worth? definately not...


by distributing that money these banks can regulate the worth of your money which they once again did in this financal crisis by lowering the interest rates and thus furthering the negative outcome since money can be lend cheaper and thus more money is created to fullfill the need (interest rates do nothing but create money... wertschoepfung its called dunno the english word for that sry) resulting in inflation


thus your income is not regulated by what or how much you work but how these few banks think how much you get should be worth


this is quite the same as a slave who gets a lumb of bread and a cup of water a day... some give em more some less...


this system worked well and only few challenged it aslong as a steady supply of cheap goods is at hand, these cheap goods on the other hand have to be created by extorting some others and also nature to produce cheap, since the globalization is now big enough for some wealthy cooperations to spread their influence and their territories of production around the globe that kind of cheap labour is not avaible in such quantities anymore since even these companies want to get payed equal in worth to what they would make in the us... thus things become more expensive... this results in less people buying and some companies getting in trouble as they dont sell enough anymore... the fed now lowers interest rates to give the economy a push to produce more and cheaper since you can lend money cheaper... this usually works indeed (short term) but the outcome is a raised inflation rate and an unhealthy economy due to overproduction resulting in a bunch of companies which cant pay back their loans and thus are taken over by the banks and done with as they please...

this way the well known banks accumulated a wealth which is far bigger than that of your country or any other and thus had the possible means to legally take over the government by supporting political campaigns, politicans, etc and therefore forcing em to become their tools (you should read jeffersons -or one of his buddies im unsure atm who wrote it- comments on money which he wrote in conjunction with the constitution and what he sees as the far biggest danger to america)...


the final result of all this is that the economy, the government and also the people are dependant on a few powerful which own mostly everything often reffered to as "the man"


"Slavery is the systematic exploitation (thast the point) of labor. As a social-economic system, slavery is a legal or informal institution under which a person is compelled to work for another"

from wikipedia


as you see its not about not getting anything for your work but merely only what your master deems is enough and not what would be right and i hope you understand my above comment far enough to see that, if not im sorry its rather hard to put in one single post, youd have to study economics a bit to fully understand that chain of doom...


reading a bit into the topic of the 1927 (xxx7?) crisis and who profitted from it and also how they made that profit helps aswell... well to tell you right away... these banking families which even furthered the crisis and then called for the fed to be created as a counter tool to the next crisis (well as a tool to counter the next crisis to their bidding)...


and to your comment about becomin a bum - kant's categorical imperative does not fit... if everyone became a bum who would give the bum his pennies? sry cents... thus this is irrelevant

and show me one place in the us where you just go to the woods, shoot an elq and eat it without being hunted by a park ranger or somin (if you have no licence)... you just cant live of the land anymore

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I didn't waste time reading your wall of text. I did however skim a bit and it looks that you dissapprove of working for your livings. The harder you work the better off you are. I do not disagree with that. Im lower class but I get by. Im content with how I live. I have dinner every night. I put my kids to bed. I kiss my dear wife goodnight. Then I lay my head down. I lay down without a regret in the world knowing everything Ive done in this life, everything I have, I have earned. Work is a blessing. Those who choose not to work and live their lives as beggers, well thats their choice.
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and how dare you to criticize what i write if you dont even read it? lol...


and your post clearly states that you dont have the slightest clue what i actually wrote... read it again and criticize if you like but otherwise better dont try to respond to somin you never read...

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I read up to the part where you basically said we need paid more. I read enough to know through the immense amount you write and the words you use to try to make yourself look smart you don't have the slightest clue about any economy.


well good you have more clue and "prooved" my comments to be wrong (yeah criticism is a skill)... just good that there are genious like you who know the truth and understand the system so well that they dont even need to question it and only need to read one sentence not even understanding it to fully grasp a topic one could write books about... lol *selfcensorshiprules*


but to be correct ill try to answer your words... i nowhere say that you need to be paid more... i ask if what youre being paid is worth that what you actually do and if youd have read on youd see that your income does not relate to your work but to the sheer will of some few...


oh and im terribly sorry for sounding clever... i know its my fault but i just cant write like a retard so please forgive me my weakness

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McCain = No tax increase


Obama = Socialism


McCain=Bigger Government

Obama=Bigger Government


The only real difference is that McCain will borrow and spend and Obama will tax and spend.


Although due to the debt Dubya left us, we will need to both raise taxes and cut spending to deal with it.


Does anyone know anything about the supposed lawsuit against Obama in Pennsylvania? I think it's about him not wanting to produce a birth certificate and prove where he was born ...


I have heard rumors of that. I do not think it will pan out since he would not have won the Democratic primary if he could not be president due to not being a native born American.


IMO, this rumor started due to the obviously false rumors of Obama being and Arab and/or Muslim.

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