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[LE] BUG spawns a large attack into my worldspace!


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So I've been working on a new worldspace mod for a very long time and I am having an issue where I "coc" into my worldspace and I arrive to see an all out war going on with some high level NPCs. Some of these NPCs include Jarls, members from the dark brotherhood, Cicero, Ancano, the dragon priest Morokei and even 2 mammoths. I know it sounds ridiculous but that's what's happening. There's about 20 recognizable npcs in total that spawn and they are all attacking Morokei. Has anyone ever experienced this? It was funny the first few times but now I can't get this to go away from my worldspace and my current town square is in a frenzy no matter where I try to "coc" in my world.


I've spawned into this location for playtesting 100's of times and never saw this. The one thing I do notice is that the attack is always centered around the same spot. There must be some marker or some actor in my worldspace that it is using as the spawn location for the attack. I've removed many of the markers and even tried to move actors but the fight reigns on.

Thanks for any help, guys!

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Most NPC have a relationship setting that determines how they interact with the player and other NPCs. If they are in a bad mood, enemy's or just don't like each other this will happen.
The spot you're talking about is most likely a bottle neck and is forcing them to come to close to each other triggering this response. If you look around Skyrim you will see most all factions
are around like factions. Also if something attacks one faction like faction members will jump right in to defend them or a pet or follower of that faction. This is why when you attack a particular
faction member the whole of Skyrim in that faction hates you and attacks you on site. Factions are universal in Skyrim as every one including animals have some type of faction they belong to.

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Interesting, I didn't think about the factions being an issue with this. I do have a custom faction set for my worldspace with a jail and a guard system working. I am going to play around with changing that setting and see if anything changes. Thanks.

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Alright, so I spent some time looking into my factions and I set these up appropriately, at least compared to what I see other factions in Skyrim using. All of the NPC's in my town have been added to the faction list for my town's crime system, the only thing that is set as enemies are the vampire class and the player werewolf class. This didn't change anything for the attack spawning in.

Strangely enough, I deleted one of my custom NPCs and the fight didn't spawn when I loaded in, I thought this had fixed it, but as soon as I added another custom NPC in CK, the fight spawned in and they used that NPC's location as the spawn location. I've got about 40 npcs in my mod currently and I've never had an issue with any of them.

Here's a video clip of what I see when I spawn into one of my town areas. https://youtu.be/6I1RQ9-N_vo

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lol ... Well I do see a few problems with the ones you set up in that video. Some of them things hate each other or are just bad mood NPC's. Remember you can't change the way default NPC's act towards each other without breaking the game. Somethings are always going to attack in a given situation and are meant to be that way game wide. However you can make custom versions that can act anyway you wish. You may just have to live with the fact a mammoth is always going to attack if they feel threatened. Keep them away from other NPC's. A boss is a boss and will kill anything that isn't directly in his faction. Some NPCs are just always in a bad mood. That woodcutter hates that shopkeeper and it's set up in his profile to feel that way. Jack instantly hates you if you even talk to Jill because he is jealous type. Stan is an outlaw and will murder and rob anyone that isn't directly in his faction or part of his particular group of outlaws. Todd was cool with you till you broke into that temple. Mary didn't even like you till she seen you wearing that. Barbie now likes you because you helped Ken. The NPC's are not only programmed to be in a faction but they also are programmed to have personal feelings, moods and reactions to situations and this can change on the fly, even though you just put them in the same faction. This is why when you go anyplace in Skyrim you are surrounded by like NPC's. If a wolf follows you into a town they don't attack the wolf for following you. That wolf isn't part of that area. Dave hates Mike but Mike married Dave's sister and they are related through that marriage. But if Mike says one thing wrong Dave is going to kill him. All this is programmed into Skyrim per NPC, per area, per situation, per status and per reaction.

Edited by NexusComa
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Thanks NexusComa for sticking with me! Lol, yeah this is a pretty hilarious little brawl. I should have been more clear about one very important part of this :happy:. I haven't added any of these NPC's into my worldspace. They are just spawning in on their own for some odd reason. Take the mammoths for example, I have never added those to my mod, so somehow they are spawning into my world without me ever placing them into my worldspace via the CK. In that video, I would say that only about 5 or 6 of those NPC's are what I have dropped into my game. Before this little spawn bug occured the NPC's I did place were living in perfect harmony. I have followed a few faction/relationship tutorials online so I feel I have a decent understanding of how to get them playing nice.


I'm going to go back and see if I can revert to an earlier save file and see if I still have the issue. Thanks again for the help.

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  • 1 month later...


FINALLY found a fix to this one!
I can't believe I did this and honestly I don't recall when I did... Somehow I edited 2 of the games default Sandbox AI Packages. In doing so, any NPC in the vanilla game that had those packages attached would spawn into my worldspace. I started searching for the link between all those NPC's and the only common thread was their default sandbox 1024 & 512 packages.I opened up those base packages and sure enough, I had edited the location where they would sandbox to my town's Xmarker. Glad to finally have this one resolved.

Edited by wesk1288
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