dunkemdeep Posted August 24, 2019 Share Posted August 24, 2019 Hello AllWhat Started out as a simple room mod to learn how to use geck has led me to I thinks version 15z of my learning mod. I'm currently stuck with two things if anyone could point me in the right direction.Firstly I'm trying to make a magazine rack, The script I'm using is from another mod who has given permission to use, however after some time studying his mod and others with magazine racks I still have no idea how to build it. I wanted to use some wooden static shelves but they have no option to apply the script. I have also spent time trying to find a tutorial but without any luck.My second problem is similar to the first in that I want to try and build a display which shows items, similar to that which can be found in the underwater home mod that shows food stock and medical stocks.Could anyone help please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
user826 Posted August 24, 2019 Share Posted August 24, 2019 You need to create a new activator using the mesh you want for your display (in this case the static wooden shelves). If you're unsure about how to do that, I refer you to my earlier post in this other thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7913813-scripting-issues/&do=findComment&comment=72689108 Once you've created your new activator, apply your script to that activator. Then, you'll have to add the rack to the world, and then place the items you want to display into the world with the "Persistent Reference" and "Initially Disabled" flags checked. Give each display item a unique Editor ID (i.e. Magazine001REF, Magazine002REF, etc.), and then in your script, use the Enable command to make them display when the player activates the magazine rack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dunkemdeep Posted August 24, 2019 Author Share Posted August 24, 2019 Thankyou so much for the help, may I just ask I was intending to use two set of shelves ontop of each other so before I create a new activator would I need to create a static collection using the two shelves first? Again thanks very much :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dunkemdeep Posted August 24, 2019 Author Share Posted August 24, 2019 Sorry for double post but just wanted to say thank you, I created a static collection with the two bookshelves then made the activator and followed what you said. It worked first time :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
user826 Posted August 25, 2019 Share Posted August 25, 2019 Glad you got it working! As far as the static collection, an alternative would've been to make a new mesh in NifSkope, but if the Static collection is working for you, then that's great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dunkemdeep Posted August 26, 2019 Author Share Posted August 26, 2019 (edited) I'm so sorry in a rush to test it and get out in the sun I never had a magazine in my inventory to properly test the display case, Being a plonker I thought it was working after just seeing the display case name show up after hovering the mouse over it how wrong was I :sad:Since then I have tried a lot of things to get this to work but after two days my head is battered and I'm still no closer to getting it working.Are long posts allowed so that I can say all that I 've done so far? Edited August 26, 2019 by dunkemdeep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dubiousintent Posted August 26, 2019 Share Posted August 26, 2019 There is not a limit on the length of posts. (Well, there is probably a practical limit, but I haven't hit it yet and I've posted a number of lengthy ones.) It is a courtesy to your audience to post "code" inside of the "code tag" (so it preserves indentation) and then lengthy details like "code" inside of the "spoiler tag" (which hides it behind a "show" button) so only those interested in the gory details have to wade through it. See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article for how to use "tags". -Dubious- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dunkemdeep Posted August 26, 2019 Author Share Posted August 26, 2019 Thanks for that Dubiousintent :) Here is what I have done so far: First attempt.Using two resized static generic bookshelves stacked ontop of each other I created a static collection then used them to create an activator and added the script (Script is from the NV Novac Apartment mod by VIPerMX).Then I placed the magazines on the sheleves giving them ref id mag01 upto mag14 and book01 to book 14, I made sure all had the Persistence and Initally Disabled flags ticked, saved then went into game seen the activator name but clicked on it and nothing would happen. It gave the E activate message but nothing else. Second Attemptsame as above but just used a single static shelf, same outcome. Third attemptTurned the static shelf into a container, applied the script and put the magazines in place, I could put the mags in but nothing would show on display. Fourth attemptUsed a static generic bookshelf without any activator or script applied, instead I encased the bookshelf with a locker which I applied a null texture too. I placed the magazines on the shelves and applied the script to the locker. Still could only place magazines in and nothing would display. I have no idea on what to try next :(here is the code I'm usingscn DunksScriptBookShelves ref self BEGIN onClose set self to this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVBarter >= 1 mag01.enable Else mag01.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVCritical >= 1 mag02.enable Else mag02.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVEnergyWeapons >= 1 mag03.enable Else mag03.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVExplosives >= 1 mag04.enable Else mag04.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVGuns >= 1 mag05.enable Else mag05.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVLockpick >= 1 mag06.enable Else mag06.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVMedicine >= 1 mag07.enable Else mag07.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVMeleeWeapons >= 1 mag08.enable Else mag08.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVRepair >= 1 mag09.enable Else mag09.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVScience >= 1 mag10.enable Else mag10.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVSneak >= 1 mag11.enable Else mag11.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVSpeech >= 1 mag12.enable Else mag12.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVSurvival >= 1 mag13.enable Else mag13.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount MagazineNVUnarmed >= 1 mag14.enable Else mag14.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillBarter >= 1 book01.enable Else book01.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillBigGuns >= 1 book02.enable Else book02.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillEnergyWeapons >= 1 book03.enable Else book03.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillExplosives >= 1 book04.enable Else book04.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillGuns >= 1 book05.enable Else book05.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillLockpicking >= 1 book06.enable Else book06.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillMedicine >= 1 book07.enable Else book07.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillMelee >= 1 book08.enable Else book08.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillRepair >= 1 book09.enable Else book09.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillScience >= 1 book10.enable Else book10.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillSneak >= 1 book11.enable Else book11.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillSpeech >= 1 book12.enable Else book12.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillSurvival >= 1 book13.enable Else book13.disable EndIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If self.getitemcount BookSkillUnarmed >= 1 book14.enable Else book14.disable EndIf END Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dubiousintent Posted August 26, 2019 Share Posted August 26, 2019 The script for an Activator is an "Object Script". "This" is another name for "GetSelf". From the GECKWiki page: Quote GetSelf is only useful when this information is accessed externally, or when the scripted reference's RefID needs to be passed as a parameter to a function like PushActorAwayandGetSelf shouldn't be used in object scripts on an item that is or can be in inventory.See the GECKWiki "Associating data with a reference" page, and 'TIP Reference Variables explained' under the 'GECK Form-ID Base-ID Ref-ID and Editor-ID' section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article. When things do not go as expected, then you need to insert "debugging statements" to find out exactly what is not as you expect. Please see 'TIP Debugging data to file' under the "Scripting" section of the same article. Also, a conditoinal test such as ">=1" is actually two tests: one for "equality" and one for "greater than". It is more efficient to use a single test where possible, such as ">0" instead. -Dubious- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustChill Posted August 26, 2019 Share Posted August 26, 2019 Hey there, welcome to modding.It's always nice to see when others either try to figure things out. I don't feel that alone anymore. ^^ On 8/26/2019 at 12:26 PM, dunkemdeep said: Third attemptTurned the static shelf into a container, applied the script and put the magazines in place, I could put the mags in but nothing would show on display.That's actually how I solved my showcase in my enhancement for the Goodsprings Farmhouse from Ignis101 and the updated version by my old mentor.The funny thing what I accidently discovered is, that when I turn a wall cabinet into an activator then the doors of it are actually animated. :OMany things in the game have some animation textures, but they are nowhere used.The problem with that was, that the activator is no container for sure. So I added a container inside the sink (cannot be interacted with), which gets activated when the player opens the wall cabinet doors. XDHere the script for the doors: Reveal hidden contents scn GSfarmPreWarFoodDoorScript ref WhoAmI short sDoorChoice short Button short fWasClosed ref GSFarmEAmmo short GSfarmAmmoFIX ref GSfarmWepForFIX ref GSfarmAmmForFIX ref GSfarmDelRef ref GSfarmBasRef array_var GSFInvRefs array_var GSFCheckRefs array_var GSFEquipRefs ref GSFHotKey1 ref GSFHotKey3 ref GSFHotKey4 ref GSFHotKey5 ref GSFHotKey6 ref GSFHotKey7 ref GSFHotKey8 short GSFRemoveC short GSFProcessType float GSFCloseSoundT Begin OnActivate if GetActionRef == Player ;=> That query is necessary, as "Begin OnActivate Player" is broken. Let Button := 0 ;=> I shamelessly misuse variables and here Button starts as 0 for counting the index of a Form List. While Button < ListGetCount GSfarmNoShovelRemoveDEFAULT ;=> That's a loop.' The end condition is, when Button has the same amount as the amount of entries in the list. Let GSFarmBasRef := ListGetNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemoveDEFAULT Button ;=> Here, the same entry of two Form Lists get compared. One is the default Form List Let GSFarmDelRef := ListGetNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove Button ;=> the other will be changed by some scripts. Therefore it is put back into default state. if GSFarmBasRef != GSFarmDelRef ;=> If the same entry doesn't match,' ListReplaceNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove GSFarmBasRef Button ;=>the regular list endif Let Button += 1 ;=> The misused button will increase its index value, to get the next list entry. Loop ;=> Be sure to always have an exit condition. Endless loops freeze your game! if (GSFarmPreWarFoodDoorREF.GetOpenState == 1 || GSFarmPreWarFoodDoorREF.GetOpenState == 3 || GSFarmDrAlcDoorREF.GetOpenState == 1 || GSFarmDrAlcDoorREF.GetOpenState == 3) if WhoAmI == 0 ;=> This will ensure that only one container instance will be opened. The food or the alcohol wall cabinet. Let WhoAmI := GetSelf ;=> The current activator is saved into a ref var. Let fWasClosed := 1 ;=> This will be used later for various operations. Activate Player ;=> The doors of the activator are opened PlaySound DRSFootLockerOpen ;=> A sound for opening will be heard of the Foot Locker? ... It's a wall cabinet. XD' else ;=> I really should stop giving my variables names. Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4, ... would work much better. XD if WhoAmI.GetOpenState == 1 && sDoorChoice == 0 ;=> This will be triggered when the wall cabinet doors are open. MessageboxEx "What do you want to do?|Activate|Close" ;=> A message box asks your if you want to activate the container or close the doors. Let sDoorChoice := 1 ;=> To progress this message box, a variable is needed for events... endif endif endif ;=> Even though the alcohol cabinet isn't influenced in this script, both scripts work in a similar way' endif ;=> so it would be awkward if their functionality intervenes badly with each other. End ;=> Therefore I rather mentioned both in the block to ensure only one will trigger the desired functionality before the other. I might be paranoid about the engine. XD Begin OnClose ;=> The close sound is NOT played here, as OnClose is triggered too early. Let sDoorChoice := 0 ;=> Instead all operational variables get initialized back to 0. Let fWasClosed := 0 Let WhoAmI := 0 Let GSFCloseSoundT := 0 ;=> Yes, this is a timer for the close sound. XD End Begin GameMode if GetGameLoaded ;=> Will only be activated when a game is loaded. This is a function and a pretty important one as the engine behaves quite dumb sometimes when loading a game. Call GSFarmPreWarFood11Goodies ;=> If there are goodies in the food cabinet, the showcase UDF will be called. endif ;=> This is a fix, as the cabinet acts pretty unique. It's a food wall cabinet.' So all items except food and equipped items will be removed from the players inventory. if GSfarmAmmoFIX == 1 ;=> However, if you get your ammo back, your equipped weapon shows a wrong ammo amount. My pistol had over 12 rounds in the magazine, but only one after getting the ammo back. if player.GetAnimAction != 9 ;=> If the player isn't reloading automatically, the fix has to be applied.' if GSfarmWepForFix == 0 ;=> I think that's a useless query when I look onto the code right now. oO But it shouldn't be harmful. :D Let GSfarmWepForFix := Player.GetEquippedItemRef 5 ;=> Here the currently equipped weapon is written into a variable. Let GSfarmAmmForFix := Player.GetCurrentAmmo ;=> Here the current ammo is written into a variable. if Player.GetItemCount GSfarmAmmForFix > Player.GetCurrentAmmoRounds ;=> So can the weapon still be reloaded or is everything in the current clip? If Player.GetCurrentAmmoRounds < GSfarmWepForFix.GetWeaponClipRounds ;=> Alright, the weapon gets reloaded quickly, when the clip is not full. if Player.GetItemCount GSfarmAmmForFix >= GSfarmWepForFix.GetWeaponClipRounds ;=> If the ammo in the players inventory is bigger than the one that fits into the weapon's magazine.' Let GSFarmAmmoFIX := GSfarmWepForFix.GetWeaponClipRounds ;=> Only as much as possible will be put into. Player.SetCurrentAmmoRounds GSFarmAmmoFIX ;=> Now it's quickly reloaded.' else ;=> If the clip size is bigger than what's available, all's put in. Let GSFarmAmmoFIX := Player.GetItemCount GSfarmAmmForFix Player.SetCurrentAmmoRounds GSFarmAmmoFIX endif endif endif Let GSFarmAmmoFix := 0 ;=> To turn the fix off and reinitialize everything else. Let GSfarmWepForFix := 0 Let GSfarmAmmForFix := 0 endif endif endif if GSFCloseSoundT >= 2.025 ;=> That's the time when the close sounds plays.' 1.025 seconds after leaving the container menu. Playsound DRSFootLockerClose ;=> I previously played it in the OnClose block. Let GSFCloseSoundT := 0.5 ;=> But I didn't like how late it was triggered. :/' elseif GSFCloseSoundT >= 1 ;=> Will be triggered elsewhere, by setting to 1. Let GSFCloseSoundT += GetSecondsPassed ;=> Here, the seconds on the float variable GSFCloseSoundT are counted. endif if WhoAmI != 0 ;=> Just in case. Will only be run when it's known who is triggering.' if WhoAmI.GetOpenState == 4 && GSFCloseSoundT == 0 Let GSFCloseSoundT := 1 ;=> So if the doors are about to close, the timer will be activated. endif if fWasClosed == 2 ;=> This will be triggered later. Let GSFEquipRefs := Ar_Construct "array" ;=> One array initialized. Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null ;=> Another one cleared. Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetAllItemRefs ;=> GET ALL THE ITEMS! if eval (Ar_Size GSFInvRefs) > 0 ;=> This is a life safer. You shouldn't continue with an empty array. ^^' ForEach GSFCheckRefs <- GSFInvRefs ;=> So, loop with the condition to move all entries from one array to another is started. Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFCheckRefs["value"] ;=> By doing so, it's possible to evaluate every single entry. ["value"] is used to get the resecptive inventory reference of the specific entry.' if GSFarmDelRef.IsEquipped ;=> If the respective inventory reference is equipped... Ar_Append GSFEquipRefs, GSFarmDelRef ;=> it will be added to the previously initialized array. GSFarmDelRef.SetNoUnequip 0 ;=> AH! Finally, the unequipable items can be unequipped again. :D endif Loop ;=> I actually don't get how this ForEach comparison with arrays work, I just know that it works. XD' endif Let Button := 0 ;=> Button is misused again. XD Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null ;=> An array is cleared. While Button < (Ar_Size GSFEquipRefs) ;=> So, if the player previously had items equipped, something has to be checked... Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFEquipRefs[Button] ;=> The respective item from the index stated by Button, will be written into a ref var. Let GSFarmBasRef := GSFarmDelRef.GetBaseObject ;=> It is an inventory reference. Luckily they are not void yet. if GetType GSFarmBasRef == 40 ;=> But to use GetType a base reference is needed anyways. So... Is it a weapon? if GSfarmEAmmo != 0 ;=> I wonder why I use != 0 here, when I simply could leave it away with the same result. XD Let GSfarmAmmoFIX := 1 ;=> So, here the ammo fix will be applied. endif endif Let Button += 1 ;=> Button gets increased to get to the next index and finally leave the loop someday. Loop GSFItemStorageRef.RemoveAllItems Player 0 1 ;=> Yes, everything will be given back to the player. I said, that's a later state of the script. ;)' if GSfarmEAmmo != 0 Player.EquipItemAlt GSfarmEAmmo 0 1 endif if GSFHotKey1 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 1, GSFHotKey1 endif if GSFHotKey3 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 3, GSFHotKey3 endif if GSFHotKey4 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 4, GSFHotKey4 endif if GSFHotKey5 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 5, GSFHotKey5 endif if GSFHotKey6 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 6, GSFHotKey6 endif if GSFHotKey7 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 7, GSFHotKey7 endif if GSFHotKey8 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 8, GSFHotKey8 endif if WhoAmI == GSFarmPreWarFoodDoorREF Call GSFarmPreWarFood11Goodies ;=> Here the showcase UDF is called, as the player could have put something into the cabinet or moved something out. endif Let Button := 0 ;=> Button should be zero as it will used later. Everything else will be reinitialized too. Let GSFInvRefs := Ar_Null Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null Let GSFEquipRefs := Ar_Null Let GSFRemoveC := 0 Let fWasClosed := 0 Let GSFHotKey1 := 0 Let GSFHotKey3 := 0 Let GSFHotKey4 := 0 Let GSFHotKey5 := 0 Let GSFHotKey6 := 0 Let GSFHotKey7 := 0 Let GSFHotKey8 := 0 elseif fWasClosed == 1 ;=> I said this will be processed later when it was set to 1, well NOW is the time. ^^ if WhoAmI.GetOpenState == 1 ;=> It is open. Whatever it is. oO Let fWasClosed := 0 ;=> Yeah... It's not closed anymore.' Let sDoorChoice := 2 ;=> Another event stage... endif endif if sDoorChoice == 1 ;=> Ah, here Button is used properly. This is the event stage for the message box. Let Button := GetButtonPressed if Button == 0 ;=> The player clicked to activate the container menu. Let sDoorChoice := 2 ;=> So it will be... elseif Button == 1 ;=> The player wants to close the doors. Activate Player ;=> So it will be... endif elseif sDoorChoice == 2 ;=> This is the event when the container menu will be opened. if Player.GetHotKeyItem 1 != 0 ;=> Lutana NVSE plugin has a function to safe all hotkeys at once into Let GSFHotKey1 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 1 ;=> an array. endif ;=> Unfortunately I had issues with it. if Player.GetHotKeyItem 3 != 0 ;=> My hotkey items got saved properly at the first time, Let GSFHotKey3 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 3 ;=> But when I tried to overwrite the array (I cleared it before), somehow still the older hotkey setup was in charge. endif ;=> So I switched back to using a ref var for every single hotkey. :( if Player.GetHotKeyItem 4 != 0 Let GSFHotKey4 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 4 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 5 != 0 Let GSFHotKey5 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 5 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 6 != 0 Let GSFHotKey6 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 6 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 7 != 0 Let GSFHotKey7 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 7 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 8 != 0 Let GSFHotKey8 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 8 endif if Player.GetCurrentAmmo != 0 Let GSfarmEAmmo := Player.GetCurrentAmmo ;=> Sure, the currently equipped ammo should be reapplied either. endif Let GSFEquipRefs := Ar_Construct "array" ;=> The array for the equipped items will be initialized again. Let Button := 0 ;=> Poor misused Button. :( Label 1 ;=> Ah, this sucks. It's a jump point. You can call it with "Goto 1" or in the case of Label 2 "Goto 2" etc.' if GSFProcessType == 0 ;=> The label is used to go through different item types. Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetAllItemRefs 40 ;=> First weapons. Let GSFProcessType := 1 ;=> If the process is finished this switch will ensure that... elseif GSFProcessType == 1 Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetAllItemRefs 24 ;=> at the second run only armor will be processed. Let GSFProcessType := 0 endif if eval (Ar_Size GSFInvRefs) > 0 ;=> The life safer again. ForEach GSFCheckRefs <- GSFInvRefs ;=> Similar to the previous weapon loop, where the WeaponFIX got applied, Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFCheckRefs["value"] ;=> equipped items will be checked. if GSFarmDelRef.IsEquipped Let GSfarmBasRef := GSFarmDelRef.GetBaseObject ListReplaceNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove GSfarmBasRef Button Ar_Append GSFEquipRefs, GSFarmDelRef GSFarmDelRef.SetNoUnequip 1 ;=> DON'T DO THAT NORMALLY! This is a food cabinet.' All items except equipped ones are removed, but you cannot unequip them to put something into the container. :P Let Button += 1 ;=> I know, people put other stuff into food cabinet than food. But, what? That's my mod, so **** ********! :P' endif Loop endif if GSFProcessType == 1 Goto 1 ;=> So if the Process Type is ready for getting the armor, the whole process will be repeated with that one change. endif Let Button := 0 ;=> You poor, poor button. Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null ;=> Sure clear the hell out of it. While Button < (Ar_Size GSFEquipRefs) ;=> Alright, the equipped references will be processed. Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFEquipRefs[Button] Let GSFarmBasRef := GSFarmDelRef.GetBaseObject if Player.GetItemCount GSFarmBasRef > 1 ;=> You cannot fool me GameBryo. If the player has more than one of the currently equipped weapon, Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetInvRefsForItem GSFarmBasRef ;=> all of these weapons will be processed. oO ForEach GSFCheckRefs <- GSFInvRefs Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFCheckRefs["value"] if GSFarmDelRef.IsEquipped == 0 ;=> Yeah, I could have moved that the other way around. It's cleaner as far as I know' to avoid quering for something but just use the variable itself as true condition (if it has a value other than 0). Let GSFRemoveC := GSfarmDelRef.GetRefCount ;=> Weapons can be in packs. So if the current inventory reference is not equipped, it gets fully removed. GSfarmDelRef.RemoveMeIRAlt GSFRemoveC 0 GSFItemStorageRef ;=> RemoveMeIRAlt is for removing inventory references. Use the "Alt" function it's from JIP. :)' else ;=> Soooo... It is equipped. Ah, I remember. I added this later and kept the == 0. if GSFarmDelRef.GetRefCount > 1 ;=> This one is pretty special. Let GSFRemoveC := GSfarmDelRef.GetRefCount - 1 ;=> All items from the equipped stack will be removed, except one. GSfarmDelRef.RemoveMeIRAlt GSFRemoveC 0 GSFItemStorageRef ;=> Otherwise the weapons from the stack that are not equipped can be removed into the container. -.- endif endif Loop endif Let Button += 1 ;=> Go for the index Button! Loop ListReplaceNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove GSfarmShovelDummy 34 ;=> We replace the Shovel in the list, as here we want it to be removed. How exceptional. oO Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 40 GSFarmNoShovelRemove ;=> I literally forgot how this works. XD Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 41 ;=> No seriously, I just mix items around until I only have the items Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 24 GSFarmNoShovelRemove ;=> in the inventory which can be sorted into the Pre War Food Cabinet. Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 25 ;=> Everything else is in the ItemStorage. Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 31 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 47 GSFarmPreWarFoodList Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 103 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 108 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 116 Let sDoorChoice := 3 ;=> The event will be finalized. Let GSfarmDelRef := 0 ;=> Sure why not? oO elseif sDoorChoice == 3 ;=> So now... we finally activate the container menu of the door. Let sDoorChoice := 0 ;=> Event variable will be cleared. Let fWasClosed := 2 ;=> This will ensure that your player char get all items back and can unequip equipped gear again. if WhoAmI == GSFarmPreWarFoodDoorREF GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.Activate Player ;=> This will open the container menu GSFarmPreWarFoodSpaceREF.Enable ;=> This will enable the invisible activator to make the players life a bit more comfortable. endif endif endif EndHere the script for the "space" which was an invisible activator that used the same mesh as the door, but the textures got replaced with NUll TEXTURE set. Reveal hidden contents scn GSFarmPreWarFoodSpaceScript short sDoorChoice ;=> This is a utterly useless copy and paste. BUT, as the previous code for the door, was in fact just a code for the door activator short Button ;=> and the activator prompt moves together with the door, I planted an invisible door (Null Texture used in GECK) at the same place. short fWasClosed ;=> Now the player is able to activate the shelf on any spot, not just on the open doors. ref GSFarmEAmmo ;=> A big part of the previous script is reused, but the sound still comes from the base script for example. float GSfarmAmmoFIX ref GSfarmWepForFIX ref GSfarmAmmForFIX ;=> It's only for convenience. If the door of the activator are opened, you need to aim onto the open doors.' ref GSfarmDelRef ;=> If you aim onto the cabinet itself, there is NOTHING! So I added an invisible activator instead with this code. :) ref GSfarmBasRef array_var GSFInvRefs array_var GSFCheckRefs array_var GSFEquipRefs ref GSFHotKey1 ref GSFHotKey3 ref GSFHotKey4 ref GSFHotKey5 ref GSFHotKey6 ref GSFHotKey7 ref GSFHotKey8 short GSFRemoveC short GSFProcessType Begin OnActivate if GetActionRef == Player Let Button := 0 While Button < ListGetCount GSfarmNoShovelRemoveDEFAULT Let GSFarmBasRef := ListGetNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemoveDEFAULT Button Let GSFarmDelRef := ListGetNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove Button if GSFarmBasRef != GSFarmDelRef ListReplaceNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove GSFarmBasRef Button endif Let Button += 1 Loop if sDoorChoice == 0 if GSFarmPreWarFoodDoorREF.GetOpenState == 1 && sDoorChoice == 0 MessageboxEx "What do you want to do?|Activate|Close" Let sDoorChoice := 1 endif endif endif End Begin GameMode if GSfarmAmmoFIX == 1 if player.GetAnimAction != 9 if GSfarmWepForFix == 0 Let GSfarmWepForFix := Player.GetEquippedItemRef 5 Let GSfarmAmmForFix := Player.GetCurrentAmmo if Player.GetItemCount GSfarmAmmForFix > Player.GetCurrentAmmoRounds If Player.GetCurrentAmmoRounds < GSfarmWepForFix.GetWeaponClipRounds if Player.GetItemCount GSfarmAmmForFix >= GSfarmWepForFix.GetWeaponClipRounds Let GSFarmAmmoFIX := GSfarmWepForFix.GetWeaponClipRounds Player.SetCurrentAmmoRounds GSFarmAmmoFIX else Let GSFarmAmmoFIX := Player.GetItemCount GSfarmAmmForFix Player.SetCurrentAmmoRounds GSFarmAmmoFIX endif endif endif Let GSFarmAmmoFix := 0 Let GSfarmWepForFix := 0 Let GSfarmAmmForFix := 0 endif endif endif if sDoorChoice == 1 Let Button := GetButtonPressed if Button == 0 if Player.GetHotKeyItem 1 != 0 Let GSFHotKey1 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 1 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 3 != 0 Let GSFHotKey3 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 3 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 4 != 0 Let GSFHotKey4 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 4 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 5 != 0 Let GSFHotKey5 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 5 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 6 != 0 Let GSFHotKey6 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 6 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 7 != 0 Let GSFHotKey7 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 7 endif if Player.GetHotKeyItem 8 != 0 Let GSFHotKey8 := Player.GetHotKeyItem 8 endif if Player.GetCurrentAmmo != 0 Let GSfarmEAmmo := Player.GetCurrentAmmo endif Let GSFEquipRefs := Ar_Construct "array" Let Button := 0 Label 1 if GSFProcessType == 0 Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetAllItemRefs 40 Let GSFProcessType := 1 elseif GSFProcessType == 1 Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetAllItemRefs 24 Let GSFProcessType := 0 endif if eval (Ar_Size GSFInvRefs) > 0 ForEach GSFCheckRefs <- GSFInvRefs Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFCheckRefs["value"] if GSFarmDelRef.IsEquipped Let GSfarmBasRef := GSFarmDelRef.GetBaseObject ListReplaceNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove GSfarmBasRef Button Ar_Append GSFEquipRefs, GSFarmDelRef GSFarmDelRef.SetNoUnequip 1 Let Button += 1 endif Loop endif if GSFProcessType == 1 Goto 1 endif Let Button := 0 Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null While Button < (Ar_Size GSFEquipRefs) Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFEquipRefs[Button] Let GSFarmBasRef := GSFarmDelRef.GetBaseObject if Player.GetItemCount GSFarmBasRef > 1 Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetInvRefsForItem GSFarmBasRef ForEach GSFCheckRefs <- GSFInvRefs Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFCheckRefs["value"] if GSFarmDelRef.IsEquipped == 0 Let GSFRemoveC := GSfarmDelRef.GetRefCount GSfarmDelRef.RemoveMeIRAlt GSFRemoveC 0 GSFItemStorageRef else if GSFarmDelRef.GetRefCount > 1 Let GSFRemoveC := GSfarmDelRef.GetRefCount - 1 GSfarmDelRef.RemoveMeIRAlt GSFRemoveC 0 GSFItemStorageRef endif endif Loop endif Let Button += 1 Loop ListReplaceNthForm GSfarmNoShovelRemove GSfarmShovelDummy 34 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 40 GSFarmNoShovelRemove Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 41 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 24 GSFarmNoShovelRemove Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 25 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 31 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 47 GSFarmPreWarFoodList Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 103 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 108 Player.RemoveAllTypedItems GSFItemStorageRef 1 1 116 Let sDoorChoice := 2 Let GSfarmDelRef := 0 GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.Activate Player elseif Button == 1 GSFarmPreWarFoodDoorREF.Activate Player ;=> The doors will be closed again. Let sDoorChoice := 0 GSFarmPreWarFoodSpaceREF.Disable ;=> So the invisible activator is not necessary anymore. endif elseif sDoorChoice == 2 Let GSFEquipRefs := Ar_Construct "array" Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null Let GSFInvRefs := Player.GetAllItemRefs if eval (Ar_Size GSFInvRefs) > 0 ForEach GSFCheckRefs <- GSFInvRefs Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFCheckRefs["value"] if GSFarmDelRef.IsEquipped Ar_Append GSFEquipRefs, GSFarmDelRef GSFarmDelRef.SetNoUnequip 0 endif Loop endif Let Button := 0 Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null While Button < (Ar_Size GSFEquipRefs) Let GSFarmDelRef := GSFEquipRefs[Button] Let GSFarmBasRef := GSFarmDelRef.GetBaseObject if GetType GSFarmBasRef == 40 if GSfarmEAmmo != 0 Let GSfarmAmmoFIX := 1 endif endif Let Button += 1 Loop GSFItemStorageRef.RemoveAllItems Player 0 1 if GSfarmEAmmo != 0 Player.EquipItemAlt GSfarmEAmmo 0 1 endif if GSFHotKey1 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 1, GSFHotKey1 endif if GSFHotKey3 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 3, GSFHotKey3 endif if GSFHotKey4 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 4, GSFHotKey4 endif if GSFHotKey5 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 5, GSFHotKey5 endif if GSFHotKey6 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 6, GSFHotKey6 endif if GSFHotKey7 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 7, GSFHotKey7 endif if GSFHotKey8 != 0 SetHotKeyItem 8, GSFHotKey8 endif Call GSFarmPreWarFood11Goodies Let Button := 0 Let GSFInvRefs := Ar_Null Let GSFCheckRefs := Ar_Null Let GSFEquipRefs := Ar_Null Let GSFarmEAmmo := 0 Let GSFHotKey1 := 0 Let GSFHotKey3 := 0 Let GSFHotKey4 := 0 Let GSFHotKey5 := 0 Let GSFHotKey6 := 0 Let GSFHotKey7 := 0 Let GSFHotKey8 := 0 Let GSFRemoveC := 0 Let fWasClosed := 0 Let sDoorChoice := 0 endif EndThese are the very inconvenient showcase scripts. They are UDFs called, when the container menu is left. Reveal hidden contents scn GSFarmPreWarFood11Goodies ref DLC04MREid Begin Function{} if IsModLoaded "LonesomeRoad.esm" Let DLC04MREid := GetFormFromMod "LonesomeRoad.esm" "917e" if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DLC04MREid >= 3 If GSFarmMRERef1.GetDisabled GSFarmMRERef1.Enable endif If GSFarmMRERef2.GetDisabled GSFarmMRERef2.Enable endif If GSFarmMRERef3.GetDisabled GSFarmMRERef3.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DLC04MREid == 2 If GSFarmMRERef1.GetDisabled GSFarmMRERef1.Enable endif If GSFarmMRERef2.GetDisabled GSFarmMRERef2.Enable endif If GSFarmMRERef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMRERef3.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DLC04MREid == 1 If GSFarmMRERef1.GetDisabled GSFarmMRERef1.Enable endif If GSFarmMRERef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMRERef2.Disable endif If GSFarmMRERef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMRERef3.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DLC04MREid == 0 If GSFarmMRERef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMRERef1.Disable endif If GSFarmMRERef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMRERef2.Disable endif If GSFarmMRERef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMRERef3.Disable endif endif else if GSFarmMRERef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMRERef1.Disable GSFarmMRERef2.Disable GSFarmMRERef3.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PorkNBeans >= 4 If GSFarmBeansRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef4.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PorkNBeans == 3 If GSFarmBeansRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PorkNBeans == 2 If GSFarmBeansRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmBeansRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PorkNBeans == 1 If GSFarmBeansRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBeansRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBeansRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmBeansRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmBeansRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PorkNBeans == 0 If GSFarmBeansRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmBeansRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmBeansRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmBeansRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBeansRef4.Disable endif endif if (GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PotatoCrisps + GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount JunkFood) >= 4 If GSFarmCrispsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef4.Enable endif elseif (GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PotatoCrisps + GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount JunkFood) == 3 If GSFarmCrispsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef4.Disable endif elseif (GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PotatoCrisps + GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount JunkFood) == 2 If GSFarmCrispsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef4.Disable endif elseif (GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PotatoCrisps + GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount JunkFood) == 1 If GSFarmCrispsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCrispsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef4.Disable endif elseif (GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount PotatoCrisps + GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount JunkFood) == 0 If GSFarmCrispsRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmCrispsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCrispsRef4.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops >= 8 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef5.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef6.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef7.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef8.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 7 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef5.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef6.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef7.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 6 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef5.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef6.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef7.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 5 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef5.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef6.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef7.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 4 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef6.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef7.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 3 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef6.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef7.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 2 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef6.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef7.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 1 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmRadGumRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef6.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef7.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount RadioactiveGumDrops == 0 If GSFarmRadGumRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef6.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef7.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef7.Disable endif If GSFarmRadGumRef8.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmRadGumRef8.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SugarBombs01 >= 3 If GSFarmSugarRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSugarRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSugarRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmSugarRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmSugarRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmSugarRef3.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SugarBombs01 == 2 If GSFarmSugarRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSugarRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSugarRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmSugarRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmSugarRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSugarRef3.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SugarBombs01 == 1 If GSFarmSugarRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSugarRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSugarRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSugarRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmSugarRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSugarRef3.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SugarBombs01 == 0 If GSFarmSugarRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSugarRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmSugarRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSugarRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmSugarRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSugarRef3.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount YumYumDeviledEggs >= 4 If GSFarmEggsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef4.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount YumYumDeviledEggs == 3 If GSFarmEggsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount YumYumDeviledEggs == 2 If GSFarmEggsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmEggsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount YumYumDeviledEggs == 1 If GSFarmEggsRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmEggsRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmEggsRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmEggsRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmEggsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount YumYumDeviledEggs == 0 If GSFarmEggsRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmEggsRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmEggsRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmEggsRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmEggsRef4.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount BlamcoMacandCheese >= 2 If GSFarmBlamcoRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBlamcoRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBlamcoRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmBlamcoRef2.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount BlamcoMacandCheese == 1 If GSFarmBlamcoRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBlamcoRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBlamcoRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBlamcoRef2.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount BlamcoMacandCheese == 0 If GSFarmBlamcoRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBlamcoRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmBlamcoRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBlamcoRef2.Disable endif endif Call GSFarmPreWarFood12Goodies EndThis UDF gets called by the previous UDF. Scripts have a limited length.I actually think it's pretty dumb to program like that, but it works and it only runs once when the respective event triggers the call. Reveal hidden contents scn GSFarmPreWarFood12Goodies Begin Function{} if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SalisburySteak >= 6 If GSFarmSteakRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef5.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef5.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef6.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef6.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SalisburySteak == 5 If GSFarmSteakRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef5.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef5.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef6.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SalisburySteak == 4 If GSFarmSteakRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef6.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SalisburySteak == 3 If GSFarmSteakRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef6.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SalisburySteak == 2 If GSFarmSteakRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef6.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SalisburySteak == 1 If GSFarmSteakRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmSteakRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmSteakRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef6.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount SalisburySteak == 0 If GSFarmSteakRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef5.Disable endif If GSFarmSteakRef6.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmSteakRef6.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount InstaMash >= 4 If GSFarmMashRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef4.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount InstaMash == 3 If GSFarmMashRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount InstaMash == 2 If GSFarmMashRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmMashRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount InstaMash == 1 If GSFarmMashRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmMashRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmMashRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmMashRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmMashRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount InstaMash == 0 If GSFarmMashRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmMashRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmMashRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmMashRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmMashRef4.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount FancyLadsSnackCakes >= 4 If GSFarmFancyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmFancyRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmFancyRef3a.GetDisabled && GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3a.Enable GSFarmFancyRef3b.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef3b.GetDisabled && GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef3b.Enable GSFarmFancyRef3a.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef4a.GetDisabled && GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4a.Enable GSFarmFancyRef4b.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef4b.GetDisabled && GSFarmSteakRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef4b.Enable GSFarmFancyRef4a.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount FancyLadsSnackCakes == 3 If GSFarmFancyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmFancyRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmFancyRef3a.GetDisabled && GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3a.Enable GSFarmFancyRef3b.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef3b.GetDisabled && GSFarmSteakRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef3b.Enable GSFarmFancyRef3a.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef4a.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4a.Disable endif if GSFarmFancyRef4b.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4b.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount FancyLadsSnackCakes == 2 If GSFarmFancyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmFancyRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmFancyRef3a.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3a.Disable endif if GSFarmFancyRef3b.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3b.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef4a.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4a.Disable endif if GSFarmFancyRef4b.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4b.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount FancyLadsSnackCakes == 1 If GSFarmFancyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmFancyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmFancyRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef3a.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3a.Disable endif if GSFarmFancyRef3b.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3b.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef4a.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4a.Disable endif if GSFarmFancyRef4b.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4b.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount FancyLadsSnackCakes == 0 If GSFarmFancyRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef3a.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3a.Disable endif if GSFarmFancyRef3b.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef3b.Disable endif If GSFarmFancyRef4a.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4a.Disable endif if GSFarmFancyRef4b.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmFancyRef4b.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DandyBoyApples >= 4 If GSFarmDandyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef4.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DandyBoyApples == 3 If GSFarmDandyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DandyBoyApples == 2 If GSFarmDandyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmDandyRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DandyBoyApples == 1 If GSFarmDandyRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmDandyRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmDandyRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmDandyRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmDandyRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef4.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount DandyBoyApples == 0 If GSFarmDandyRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmDandyRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmDandyRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmDandyRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmDandyRef4.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Cram >= 5 If GSFarmCramRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef5.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef5.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Cram == 4 If GSFarmCramRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef4.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef4.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef5.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Cram == 3 If GSFarmCramRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef3.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef3.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef5.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Cram == 2 If GSFarmCramRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef2.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef5.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Cram == 1 If GSFarmCramRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmCramRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmCramRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef5.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Cram == 0 If GSFarmCramRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef2.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef3.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef3.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef4.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef4.Disable endif If GSFarmCramRef5.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmCramRef5.Disable endif endif if GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Bubblegum >= 2 If GSFarmBubbleRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBubbleRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBubbleRef2.GetDisabled GSFarmBubbleRef2.Enable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Bubblegum == 1 If GSFarmBubbleRef1.GetDisabled GSFarmBubbleRef1.Enable endif If GSFarmBubbleRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBubbleRef2.Disable endif elseif GSFarmPreWarFoodREF.GetItemCount Bubblegum == 0 If GSFarmBubbleRef1.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBubbleRef1.Disable endif If GSFarmBubbleRef2.GetDisabled == 0 GSFarmBubbleRef2.Disable endif endif End Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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