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Invisible wrists in first person while using ported armor (from FO3)

Guest deleted14871864

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Guest deleted14871864

I ported this armor (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/4025/?) from FO3 to FNV (for personal use im not gonna reupload it anywhere).I used GECK to put armor in the game.Everything is fine except some clipping issues on the back and invisible wrists in first person. I'm using Robert's male bodies and all of it's fixes for the DLCS.

How can i solve this problem?

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Body parts are part of the armor. If it covers the main body, then the hands are part of that armor; regardless of the "body replacement" which is ignored. "Body replacements" only affect the "nude" body. (The head is separate, but the rest of the body is all one piece called "upper body" to include legs and feet.) If you want garments that confirm to the underlying body, then they have to have been constructed with that body shape in mind. Please see 'Issue - Body Replacer - Custom Body Types' entry under the "Solutions to Graphics Problems" section of the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" article.



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Guest deleted14871864

I found the partial solution.In GECK this armor had prefixes ''hair" and "upperbody".I've disabled the "hair" slot and now wrists are visible but some haircuts are clipping through the helmet and armor still has clipping issues on the back when i walk but I can live with that.
Thanks for the help,dubiousintent.

Edited by Sirtaki
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