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Esp files in CK


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I i'm new into modding, and yesterday i created a new npc with CK and NPC editor, but now i need to open that esp file in CK and i tryed several guides, and none says how open it. If somebody know, please tell me.



Edited by rcreaper2
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I've donne that, and because it's an npc, it should appear the name in the actor seccion i supose. But it doesn't...

don't know why :wallbash:

Can you post the esp file somewhere so I can look at it? Anywhere I don't need to register to download it.



the second file "Hanna" and since it's less than 2Mb you don't need to register.



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Here is an objective summary of what I saw. It does not reflect on NPC Editor or your use of it in any way.


I see the plugin was made with the NPC Editor, not because you mentioned it but because it says [email protected] for the author. The first thing I did was to load the plugin the CK so it might have fixed some things and might have broken a few things. When I click on Actor the NPC is under "sneHanna1" in the CK so I had to wade through a huge list to find it. I noticed (With TES5Edit) that subrecords are out of order for the NPC. That's the technical aspect of plugins that I understand having worked on TES5Edit, I can't mod to save my life. :)


Reloading this plugin into the CK would be a really good idea. (Literally Required) Now for me I always make a change to something in the CK when I'm loading a plugin, then change it back and save it. Also I'm not sure I like the WRLD and CELL declarations in the plugin. Not sure whether or not they are made correctly. After removing them with TES5Edit and adding the NPC I only saw a CELL/ACHR Placed Actor reference and no WRLD reference whatsoever. I'll have to note that for the Dirty Edits list. If you placed the NPC with the CK then just a note, the CK does weird things that I can't explain or control and it is misleading sometimes. :confused:


In the future I would not use the NPC editor to place the NPC into the world if that's what you did. Just use the NPC Editor to make the NPC, save it, load it in the CK, save it, place the NPC with the CK and save it, then try it out in the game before distributing it.


For information on all things CK related refer to the CK Wiki.


A copy of the modified esp is here.


Some things I noticed when placing the NPC in the location you had it with the CK.








I had two errors after placing the NPC in the world with the CK. Although I don't know what they really mean, it happened. Some things I ask myself wher things like that happen are: Does that error happen because the CK is just whining for nothing? Did the author of Apachii Hair do that? Since the NPC editor was used, did it do something that might cause that error? The head appeared after I refreshed the view in the render windows but this is what I saw after the error.








So just keep in mind that everything is not known about everything in regards to plugins. Textures have a (MODT) Texture file hashes which hold the properties that are assigned to meshes, textures. Only the CK will do it correctly, so if it's not used then how does anyone know if it's done correctly.


The mod will work fine. Keep at it, and hope some of this helps with your NPC creations.

Edited by Sharlikran
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