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Everyone has a nice Pretty colorful "Description" why can'


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Everyone has a nice Pretty colorful "Description" so why can't I ?

So I am not a total dunce when it comes to scripting or modding I even done some BBcoding when I play "Age of Conan" so why "In the name of all that is holy!" can't I post a cool Description? every mod I see has a nice pretty colorful Description and here I'm having a lot of trouble and I'm not even drunk!


Please help as I am feeling very stupid. I've scoured the internet and laterally cant find anything on bbcode???????? So common modders help me out please, I don't need anything fancy just want my mods to be shown for what they are. Here is one of them.......http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23317 ....that I think got overlooked.

I beg someone Help with BBcode!!!

Edited by KnightRangersGuild
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OK great, I like this, now I'm getting somewhere. BUT! sorry lol I have another question....Is there any way to test my work before I add it? Or is there a tutorial on uploading them when complete?

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You can set your mod to hidden, and then fiddle around. Once everything looks as you intended it to, you can switch it (back) to visible. :thumbsup:

Thanks for all ur help bro but this is turning out to be more trouble than it's worth, as if I don't spend enough of my life modding! Now I have to learn something all new? and no one is willing to help obviously except you.

I can't even find anything on google? I really hate to give up but I'm only spending maybe another hour or so on this then saying f#*%k it!

Can you or anyone else offer anymore help? Thanks again. Like is there a tutorial for bbcode for dummies or somthing?

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Dude relax, you just opened that thread about an hour ago and the Nexus isn't very busy at the moment. First you'll have to get a clear view about how your file page is gonna look. Then make some images/banners/typographies and upload them to any of the free image hosting sites so you can include these pictures in your descrption via link. Then fiddle around with font types and _sizes. Preview often and build it on after another!
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Dude relax, you just opened that thread about an hour ago and the Nexus isn't very busy at the moment. First you'll have to get a clear view about how your file page is gonna look. Then make some images/banners/typographies and upload them to any of the free image hosting sites so you can include these pictures in your descrption via link. Then fiddle around with font types and _sizes. Preview often and build it on after another!

Lol, OK I'm relaxed now sorry I fell asleep, are you still with me? I found this https://www.phpbb.com/community/faq.php?mode=bbcode#f0r0 and it seems to be the easiest to follow, but let me ask about the picts...so I must upload a pic to an image site, then use that path in the code?



Edit: I actually found the answer to my question in the link I posted, so hopefully i can get it to work, I'll let you know. Thanks for all your help.....0<_,0`

Edit: This is even better.......http://www7.5earch.com/?s=bbcode+tutorial&gclid=CM3wk4mk2LICFQoFnQod8hoAlg

Edited by KnightRangersGuild
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