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Ward-style Energy Shield


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I like a good shield as much as the next person, but with some custom animation poses, the shields can look a little intrusive. What I would LOVE to see is a kind of energy-based shield that only projects when you are blocking.


How would this work? Well, picture this: you have a kind of Dwemer bracelet around your left wrist instead of a shield. When you try to block, you take a block pose, and then the bracelet projects a kind of ward effect, like what the Spellbreaker does. This "energy wall" acts like a typical shield, but doesn't act like a ward (unless programmed in such a way). When you stop blocking, the ward disappears.


It'd be like a compact shield that is ultra-lightweight, but just as strong (or stronger) than a normal shield. You wouldn't physically have a shield, but that shield would come out when you're blocking.


Sounds cool, huh? I doubt it'd be easy to code, though.


If the above sounds too hard, maybe someone could just make a shield that, instead of having a shield mesh, instead has a ward mesh. That'd be pretty cool too.

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