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Exterior cell issues


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Hi. I've been building a medium-sized exterior cell, and decided to test it ingame. I've noticed that some geometry is operating strangely. I made sure the level geometry was walkable (mostly just tiles and walls for now), but I get randomly teleported to somewhere else on the cell - the other flat planes surrounding the field, way above.


I'm not sure what exactly is causing it but some prefabs trigger this, and I'm sure I can walk on them. One example are stairs used in Whiterun Castle; in the mod, however, if I run through up or down through them, I'm sent to one of the upper empty planes (if I walk slowly, I seem to be alright, though walking slowly backwards causes the same problem). IIRC, the cell is not defined as "Small World" and has no parent world. The majority of tiles and objects are currently close to the cell's default water level as well (haven't changed the values) but other than a couple of dock prefabs, nothing else is touching the water.


Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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