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Cleaning up Navmesh generation


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I navmesh everything by hand for dungeons, but for world spaces obviously generation is the way to go or you will be freehanding for years.


I think NavMeshing world spaces by hand is nearly impossible, except if the world space to NavMesh is a small one, or if you have all the time in the world to waste...

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I ended up doing a combination - for the first cell (which is quite large, multiple floors) I used auto-generation and then spent about 30-45 minutes cleaning up stuff. For the next two (much smaller, single floor areas) I did it by hand. Doing it by hand took around 20 minutes for each cell, but they were both a lot smaller than the first one. Now that I've got the hang of it, I probably could've done the first building by hand in about the same time I spent cleaning it up.

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