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Game freezing at launch - I'm stumped


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When I launch t he game, it freezes right as it gets to the main menu where I could choose to load or start a game. It was working totally fine on Friday, and I'm not aware of any changes happening.

I'm running Windows 10 1903, I've tried disabling all mods (just FPGE, NVSR, NVAC, NMCs texture pack, and Max level cap 255). I've tried disabling all plugins (besides the others, just YUP). I've tried verifying game files multiple times. I've deleted and rebuilt my .ini files. I've manually excluded the game files from Windows Defender per the guide. Nothing makes a difference. I do notice that my fallout.ini seems to be getting marked as read-only for some reason. Any other thoughts?



Also disabled the Steam and nVidia overlays, and updated my video drivers.


I took the big leap and deleted my MyGames Folder and the full game folder, then had Steam redownload. Can't even get Vanilla to launch!

Edited by scythe000
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In general, if you haven't changed anything about your game and it suddenly stops working correctly you need to look to other causes: such as software updates to Windows, programming libraries such as ".Net", or hardware drivers. Older games eventually get dropped from product testing. It is also possible you are having problems with your hard drive. It never hurts to run "chkdsk".

* Did you install Steam to it's default location? If so, please see the wiki "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article for why the original default Steam behavior of installing games to the "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files(x86)" folder tree was bad (they learned better, and don't do that any more); and why "disabling UAC and running as Administrator" is NOT sufficient, with instructions how to move it. This is the single most important thing you can do to fix and protect yourself against problems in the future. As much of a PITA as that is, it's never going to be any easier than now. System updates often cause issues with games installed to these folder trees. Please see the 'Restoring to "Vanilla"' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article as well.

Disabling "User Account Control" (UAC) only stops Windows from prompting you to grant "administrative" credentials to an application that the system says must have a "UAC elevation". Disabling UAC does not automatically then enable the permission for such applications. Instead, (for all intents and purposes) it automatically denies them. (Please read this MS article on how it works in Win10. The basics have been there since the inception of UAC with Vista.)

Anytime the game "Crashes to the Desktop" (CTD; and sometimes when it "freezes") it's typically going to generate an error message in the Windows Eventlog. Please see the "Windows Error Messages" section of the wiki "How to read most Bethesda game error logs" article.

Please see the 'Vanilla Load Order' entry in the 'First Timer Advice' section; and the 'Common Game Problems' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

The following entries in the wiki 'Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting' guide specifically address known Win10 problems:
* 'Issue: NVSE - fails to load after update KB4058043 to Win10 FCU (v1709)'
* 'Issue: Incomplete save game load' (NVSR related)
* 'Issue: Vanilla game Hangs on startup'; specifically "Cause-1" regarding DirectX9 drivers.
* 'Issue: "Full screen mode" exhibits CTDs and stutters or micro-stutters'
* 'Issue: Recent (post-Win10 FCU) CTDs after 10-20 minutes of play' (NVSR related)
* 'Issue: Lag or "micro stutters" even with "New Vegas Stutter Remover" installed (or not)'. In particular "Cause-4" regarding video card settings. The latest video drivers may not be the best suited to an older game like FNV. All vendors drop testing of old games at some point. Backwards compatibility is never guaranteed, much less "optimization".
Also, "Cause-7" regarding "Superfetch" and "File search indexing". Windows updates will often reset these back on.
* 'Issue: Win10 Screen tearing in "Borderless Windowed Mode"'
* 'Issue: ENB Support for Windows versions later than Win7'
* 'Issue: Problems using ENB/SweetFx on Windows 10'

We REALLY need to see a "load order" as produced by "LOOT"; to include the main game and DLC files. With modded games its the sequence, not merely the list of mods, which is the cause of many problems. LOOT's sort gives a good first approximation, correcting the most obvious issues and is sufficient for most players. You can make minor adjustments to the order and tell LOOT how to remember them. It's in the on-line documentation under "Metadata". Instructions on how to copy it's list for posting are in the "How to ask for help" article, and "Checklist Item #11' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


There are more than one "guide" out there. If you are going to refer to one in a post, we need the name (and preferably a link) to know which one.



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Hi! Not sure if you saw my edit2. I deleted everything, all folders and files, and even started a new steam library on another drive and re-downloaded. Still no luck with the vanilla unmodded game.

chkdsk is clean, game is installed on my f: drive, game does not ctd, just freezes, i've tried setting compatibility to windows 7 and having it start as admin, i've resinstalled dx9 and c++2008 from the redist folder.

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Sorry, I did miss "edit2".


A "freeze" is a fatal error just like a "CTD", but it usually indicates that the next instruction code is not known and the OS can't pick it up and "handle" the error in a controlled manner with a "CTD". Checking the Eventlog is a forlorn hope that it contains a clue. Sometimes it pays off. Other errors listed may contribute to the problem. (Ideally you shouldn't have any errors in the log.)


When the "freeze" occurs in the main menu of the game, but before you have either started a new game or loaded a saved game, then it's usually due to a "missing" requirement or "master file". That might be due to a "master file" not being present, or in the wrong "sort order".


If the game can't even launch, then you are either pointing to the wrong location for it, or are missing something the game requires before it even gets to the point of loading plugins. (That is usually where the DX9, ".Net" libraries, and game INI files fail to be found.)


When you say "I deleted everything", did you "uninstall" the game from the Windows "Control Panel"? That is necessary so it properly removes registry entries. If not, then you likely have mixed values there which are confusing things. Just "nuking" files doesn't clean up the registry. If so, then uninstall from the "Control Panel", "pray it cleaned out everything FNV related", reboot, and re-install again. (The "reboot" is necessary to release system related files that have been deleted on disk, but not from the system memory.)


So, if you can't even launch the game, then you have a "bad install". The "F:" drive is fine, and you won't need to run as "Administrator".

If you did move Steam out of the default location, then likely any access privilege problem is one of "File and Folder permissions" on the parent "root" folder under which you installed the games. If this is not set correctly to allow at least "System", "Administrators", and "Users" to have "Full Control" then you can't overwrite other files or make changes. You then need to enable the "Properties | Security | Advanced | Change Permissions" setting of the parent folder to enable the box: "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object", so those changes get applied to the existing files and sub-folders.

Did you re-run the "FNV4GB Patcher", and then the "FalloutNVLauncher.exe" at least once?


With that version of Win10 I am told you should not need to set any "compatibility" setting for FNV. "Compatibility" will not be what is preventing the game from launching.


After such extensive restructuring, we need to forget about all previous symptoms, and start over describing your "current" problem as a "new install".



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The program FalloutNV.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Security and Maintenance control panel.
Process ID: 1658
Start Time: 01d55e26c72738c8
Termination Time: 4294967295
Application Path: F:\TestSteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNV.exe
Report Id: 81d8ec9c-4855-4c11-8759-e935d0f359a0
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Hang type: Top level window is idle

Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: AppHangB1
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: FalloutNV.exe
P3: 4e0d50ed
P4: b0f1
P5: 67246080

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 81d8ec9c-4855-4c11-8759-e935d0f359a0
Report Status: 4
Hashed bucket:
Cab Guid: 0


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Hmm. I've never seen an error log entry like either of those. Must be a new Win10 thing, so where did you find them? (So I can try to research the format. I'm guessing the second is from the "Security and Maintenance control panel"?)


The first line of the first log is indicating that communication between the game and Windows timed out. No idea which process was running at that moment but most likely guess is a driver. Win10 will time out if system level communication fails for over 5 seconds. So, check for any video / soundcard / mouse drivers that might need to be updated. Start with the video driver and consider you might need to go back to a previous version.


A common theme with game problems is to clear out your "temp files". Also, check in "SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Redists\" for:

Run both from an "Administrator" account. You should only need to do this once.


Are you launching the game from a desktop shortcut, or the Windows "XBox Game Bar", or something else?


Here is a recent (15 Jul 2019) Bethesda support article. Note that older solutions (for prior to Mar 2019 / 1903) likely won't do you any good as it was working for you before you got the 1903 update.



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-They were both in the System log, nothing under Security that looked applicable, or Maintenance.

-All drivers are up to date

-I ran CCleaner and cleared out all my temp files

-Ran the redists

-Launching from either Steam or Desktop, usually Steam. Sometimes even FalloutNV.exe directly

-Had already found and tried the things in that Bethseda article, but tried them again anyway


No luck :-(

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Unfortunately, without any additional information (and other than ensuring all the outstanding System Updates have been applied) there is not much else we can do. Normally I would suggest a rollback to the previous version as advised here:

If after upgrade To Windows 10 version 1903, Having a number of issues and not happy with the current windows version then you have the option to Roll Back Windows to previous Windows version.

Note: If you’re dealing with a problem you can’t fix, you have only 10 days to roll back to your previous Windows installation. Go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery and under Go back to the previous version of Windows 10 click Get started.



But if you are past the 10-day cutoff window, then you will have to take it up with Microsoft. (And good luck with that!)


Here is another recent article (Jul 2019) on known issues with Win10 1903. It mentions "Blue Screens of Death in Some Games" which are close to (as in all but) a "freeze/hang".


Some other "general" solutions from this article might still be applicable. I'm thinking in particular you might try solutions 8 and 9.



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