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Looking for help with ActiveMagicEffect script & applying damage (novice)


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Hi guys,


I'm a complete novice when it comes to modding, but I enjoy playing around with the kit. Recently, I've tried making a staff enchantment which randomly casts a defined spell. Currently this works, but for the destruction spells i have assigned (i.e., fire storm, blizzard, thunderbolt) the spells correctly activate, but do not damage the target.


Does anyone know how to rectify this please?


This is my current script:


Scriptname StaffScript extends ActiveMagicEffect
spell property firestorm auto
spell property blizzard auto
spell property lightning auto
spell property illus auto
spell property illus2 auto
spell property alter auto
spell property alter2 auto
spell property restore auto
spell property conjure auto
spell property conjure2 auto
spell property conjure3 auto
function OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Int random = utility.RandomInt(0, 10)
if random >= 0 && random < 1
firestorm.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
elseIf random >=1 && random < 2
blizzard.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 2 && random < 3
lightning.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 3 && random < 4
illus.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 4 && random < 5
illus2.Cast(akCaster as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 5 && random < 6
alter.Cast(akCaster as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 6 && random < 7
alter2.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 7 && random < 8
restore.Cast(akCaster as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 8 && random < 9
conjure.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 9 && random < 10
conjure2.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
elseIf random >= 10
conjure3.Cast(akTarget as objectreference)
Thank you!
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