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Top Twenty Help!!!!


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I need help, i dont know what mods are best to use and what ones work best together?

can someone help me with what they think are the top twenty mods that work well together?

also what is Vanilla oblivion and 000??


thanks for any help you provide


:thanks: :biggrin:

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Generally speaking mods work well together if they don't "overlap", meaning they don't modify the same thing. If you want to avoid conflicts and improve your gameplay, you should use one of the bigger overhaul mods, like OOO, Fran's or MMM.


It's always good advice to look at the Top 100 mods and cherry pick the ones you like and might enjoy. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/top.php


Most mods have an incompatibility section in their description which makes it easy to avoid conflicts.


Good luck.

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