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Need some help about armor scripts


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:confused: Hey I'm not an English native speaker so if u find something strange or confusing pls tell me.



Here's the question, Can a piece of armor which is using one of the "Unnamed" slot, be equiped automatically by any npc? And Not unequip after a reload or changing places


I'm be working on a better necromancer's minion&thrall mod or something like that. And I found out that no matter how fancy those magic effects are, thralls always loss them after a reload or cell changes. But for an enchantment on their piece of armors, it will not be lost after those changes.


So that means I made some of those scripted magic effects into an enchantments, and enchanted one piece of thrall's armor with that enchantment...Bang! It works.

Now I want to improve this, by not using one of their outfit armor but a new kind, custom, using one of the unnamed slot armor to be the one piece with this enchantment.


I know I can always use console commands to make my minions equip his/her master's work, but I'm looking for a general solution.

Can I script the armor piece I make?

Can I change some of the settings?

Can I...


really need some tips or help :sad:

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