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transportation system overhaul


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hello everyone.


so i'm against idea of teleporting from one spot to another, this is where my idea comes from.


transportation system overhaul, or just a concept for it.

open map > choose where you want to go > "something" appears and takes you there at incredible speed.


by "something" i mean some sort of device or living person.


rough example: after pressing on map where to travel, winged horse (pegasus ^_^) appears, flies high into the air (slowly), then uses buff (.....multspeed 1000 or more) and then flies in straight line to chosen location.


2nd rough example: lets say you play as summoner, after choosing where to go > one of summon-able creatures appear in straight line in whole distance every x ingame steps. and throw you with incredible force to next one and so on until you reach destination.


both examples may be executed in same way as touring carriages mod. also it doesn't have to be aerial type of transport, it can use part of game database which shows where you need to go (clairvoyance spell)



P.S. for now anyone please tell me more topic tags that may be accurate for this sort of post

2nd P.S. constructive critisism welcome, why this mod should be in skyrim and why it should not be or would never be


Thanks, have and a nice "whatever time you're in"

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