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Skyrim Character Creation Is Skipping, Showracemenu Command Does Not Respond


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Hi all!


I'm my wit's end with the most infuriating bug and I cannot figure out what is causing it. The Showracemenu command does not trigger any response at all when I press enter. At the start of the game, when the Character Creation Menu should trigger for the first time, when Hadvar asks "Who are you?" which should typically open up the Character Creation menu, the Character Creation menu skips completely and goes right to Hadvar saying "You've picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim, kinsman." I continue the game as a generic blonde male nord but with a big nose and no eyebrows.


I uninstalled all recent mods that I installed after the last time my game was functioning normally, the issue still persists. I've also verified my game files via Steam, but the issue persists. Has anyone ever encountered an issue like this before?


Mod List: https://pastebin.com/embed_js/77rLJt32

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