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[LE] Fire Breath Shout Recolor


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Anyone ever managed to retexture shouts, and more specifically, the fire breath shout? And I dont mean the dragon's shout, I mean the one the player uses with the words.

I first encountered spell recolors on this mod, since then, I've been retexturing my own stuff if I need to, but shouts, or at least this particular shout, seem to work differently.

Made a fully functional copy of the fire breath shout, and the idea was to recolor it, but I hit a wall on the projectile part.

Actually, after testing, found out the projectile was the one thing that wasn't working. If I used another projectile, like for instance, Ice Breath, the fire effects would go away. So, in conclusion, everything that was wrong with my recolor attempt, had to be related to the projectile mesh.

But then I looked exhaustively over the nif files, changing texture paths to the recolored version and recoloring texture values as the traditional method of recoloring dictates, but no matter what I did, the shout was still orange.

Actually, I think I managed to recolor parts of the projectile which ended up looking faintly blueish at it's core, but the trail particles, and I don't mean the ones that are visible on the nif file, would still make most of the effect orange. It's almost as if it had an "invisible" particle emitter not listed on the nif file causing all the trouble


So I ask, has anyone ever tried and been successful on something like this? Is it even possible to recolor that particular shout or am I missing some sort of hardcoded feature related to the file?

I literally went through every property on that nif and the thing was still orange.

Not to say I understand much on these kinds of effects on nifskope, nobody seems to be an expert on those. But running out of options to change stuff and still getting no results seems kind of suspicious.

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