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Bloomy Breezehome


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Hello, fellow Skyrimers! Please help me if you can... This is a slightly annoying issue, but it's not terrible. I don't spend a lot of time in Breezehome, but I do step in occasionally to sleep while I'm in Whiterun.


Most of the house is fine lighting wise, I do get the occasional flicker on and off on the door to Lydia's room.


However, my biggest issue is the extreme bloom effect I'm experiencing from the firepit. Here's the example:




Now, I'm not really sure if this is a mod issue. I have Realistic Lighting with Customization turned on, but I tried turning it off and I still get the really bright bloom. Turning my brightness all the way down doesn't really help, either, and none of the color levels or anything are changed in my graphics control panel. I just know Breezehome shouldn't be that bright. It's really blinding. I went to the shops and in other houses, the lighting is fine. It's really only in Breezehome that I've noticed.


Anyone have any idea how I can fix this? It's so bright!


Thank you!

Edited by Groupofone
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Now I'm having an issue where the lighting will be normal for a second, then it will flash really bright yellow on certain objects for a split second, sort of like in the picture, then return to normal. Then a second later, it will flash again.


It's very annoying. It's only happening in Breezehome, as well, that I've tested. I ran into the goods store and Dragonsreach, lighting seems fine everywhere...


Weird thing is, I'll load my save game and it'll be fine lighting in Breezehome, it doesn't flicker. However, I go in and out of the house and the flashing returns. Disabled my lighting mods... Not sure what's going on! It's pretty annoying, though,


Edit: By the way, a fix I saw in a similar thread did not work. This was to disable AA settings...

Edited by Groupofone
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I figure this is a script error that's occurring in my save file or something after I removed a certain mod.


I reverted back to a savefile 30 hours previous and the flashing light no longer occurs.


I am now being extra cautious about installing any mods and am always using BOSS to fix my load order... I really hope I don't run into anymore issues, but with Skyrim I find that unlikely.

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Another update...


So I reactivated some mods and the flashing lights returned after a couple saves..


I returned to the save file only 15 hours earlier instead of 30... the flashing doesn't seem to be occurring anymore, at least not at the moment.


I left Breezehome, went and ran around Whiterun, went inside Dragonsreach, back to Breezehome and no flashing lights.

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